What the Lord Requires of Us. (Deuteronomy 10: 12-22)

The Bible Project

24-09-2024 • 33分

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Study Notes: "What the Lord Requires of Us" (Deuteronomy 10:12-22)


  • Life is filled with requirements: school, jobs, etc.
  • Scripture also outlines requirements for a relationship with God.
  • In the New Testament the emphasizes is on salvation through faith, not works.

After Salvation: Further Requirements

  • To have things go well, additional requirements exist beyond initial faith.

Deuteronomy 10:12-13

  • Question: "What does the Lord your God require of you?"
  • Requirements listed:
    • Fear the Lord your God
    • Walk in His ways
    • Love Him
    • Serve Him with all your heart and soul
    • Keep His commandments and statutes

Emphasis on Love and Obedience

  • Total allegiance and obedience to God lead to well-being.
  • Repeated Motif: "That it may be well with you" is a recurring motivation for obedience in Deuteronomy.
  • 1 John 4:19: We love God because He first loved us.
  • The core requirement: Love God.

Deuteronomy 10:14-15

  • Verse 14: Everything in heaven and earth belongs to God.
  • Verse 15: God's love and choice of Israel emphasize His love as the foundation.
  • Requirement: Love God because He loves you.

Deuteronomy 10:16

  • Command: "Circumcise the foreskin of your heart."
  • Meaning: Remove barriers to loving God fully.
  • Be stiff-necked no longer: Stop being stubborn and resistant.

Greatest Commandment: Love

  • Matthew 22: Jesus states the greatest commandment is to love God.
  • Deuteronomy 6: Emphasizes loving God with all heart, soul, and strength.

Rationale for Obedience

  • Verse 17: God is the supreme, mighty, and just ruler.
  • Verses 17-18: Reasons to obey God include His just and merciful nature.
  • Illustration: God's care for the helpless shows His character.

Response to God's Love

  • Verse 19: Love the stranger, reflecting God's love and compassion.
  • Application: Loving others is a natural extension of loving God.

James 2: Parallel Passage

  • James 2: Echoes Deuteronomy's call for mercy and love over partiality.
  • Works of love: Feeding and clothing the needy as acts of mercy.

Final Instructions

  • Verses 20-21: Fear, serve, and hold fast to God. Praise Him for His deeds.
  • Verse 22: Remember God's faithfulness to His promises.


  • Central Requirement: Love the Lord.
  • Why?
    • Because of who God is.
    • Because of what He has done.
    • Because it benefits us.
  • Application for Israel: Faithfulness in the Promised Land.
  • Application for Believers: Living a life rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ.


Loving God and others is e

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