A Very Rare Virtue. (Luke 17: 11-19)

The Bible Project

23-02-2024 • 29分

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Welcome to A Very Rare Virtue, where we delve into the depths of gratitude and its significance in the life of a believer. Today we'll explore a passage from the Gospel of Luke that illuminates the essence of gratitude.

Episode Notes:

In the vast landscape of virtues outlined in the New Testament, gratitude stands out as a rare yet essential quality. While not explicitly listed among the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5, gratitude permeates the teachings of Jesus, exemplifying the heart of a transformed life.

Our focus today is on a story from Luke chapter 17, where Jesus encounters ten lepers while journeying toward Jerusalem. This poignant narrative unfolds in three distinct phases, each revealing profound insights into the nature of gratitude.

1. The Encounter with Ten Lepers:
As Jesus travels along the border of Samaria and Galilee, he encounters ten men afflicted with leprosy. Despite their societal ostracization, these outcasts approach Jesus with a desperate plea for mercy. Their collective cry echoes with longing for healing and restoration.

2. The Response of Gratitude:
In a miraculous display of compassion, Jesus instructs the lepers to present themselves to the priests for certification of their healing. As they obey his command, faith intertwines with divine intervention, and they experience restoration on their journey. Yet, amidst the joy of newfound health, only one returns to express gratitude to the source of his healing.

3. A Reflection on Ingratitude:
Jesus, astutely aware of the rarity of gratitude, poses a probing question: "Where are the other nine?" The Samaritan, an unexpected beneficiary of grace, becomes a poignant symbol of heartfelt thankfulness amidst a backdrop of indifference. His act of returning to give thanks not only sets him apart but also reveals the pervasive nature of ingratitude.

Key Takeaways:

The Essence of Gratitude: Gratitude emerges as a cornerstone virtue, transcending cultural boundaries and societal norms. It embodies a deep recognition of blessings received and a humble acknowledgment of the giver.

A Matter of the Heart: Gratitude transcends mere verbal expressions; it emanates from the depths of the heart. It reflects an attitude of humility, contentment, and appreciation for the gifts of life.

The Call to Gratitude: As recipients of God's abundant grace, believers are called to cultivate a spirit of gratitude in every aspect of life. Gratitude redirects our focus from scarcity to abundance, from self-centeredness to generosity.

In essence, gratitude is not merely a courteous response but a transformative posture that shapes our perspective and enriches our relationships. Through the lens of gratitude, we learn to embrace life's joys and navigate its challenges with resilience and grace.


This passage invites us to explore the significance of gratitude in the life of a believer. Through the lens of Jesus's encounter with the ten lepers, we uncover timeless truths about the essence of gratitude, its transformative power, and its pervasive rarity.

As we navigate the complexities of life, may we cultivate a spirit of gratitude tha

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