Never to Late to be Saved. (Luke 13: 22-35)

The Bible Project

13-02-2024 • 31分

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Episode Notes: Is it Ever Too Late to be Saved? (Luke 13:22-35)


  • Reflecting on a warning of a point of no return for salvation, drawing parallels to the story of Noah's ark.
  • Exploring the question of whether there are other Scriptures that explicitly address this notion of a point of no return for salvation.

Verse 22-25: The Narrow Door:

  • Setting the scene as Jesus journeys towards Jerusalem, teaching along the way.
  • Addressing the question about the number of people to be saved, Jesus directs the crowd to take personal responsibility for their salvation.
  • Emphasizing the urgency of seeking salvation before it's too late, using the illustration of a shut door to convey finality.

Verse 26-30: Consequences of Rejection:

  • Describing the chilling consequences of being shut out, despite claiming familiarity with Jesus.
  • Painting a vivid picture of sorrow and regret for those who miss the opportunity for salvation.
  • Highlighting the inclusivity of the Kingdom, welcoming people from all corners of the world.

Verse 31-35: Opposition and Judgment:

  • Responding to Pharisees' warning about Herod's threat, Jesus displays determination to fulfil his mission.
  • Expressing compassion for the people of Jerusalem, despite their rejection of him.
  • Emphasizing human responsibility in responding to God's offer of salvation and underscoring the consequences of rejection.


  • Urging us to actively engage in sharing the message of salvation with others.
  • Recognizing the deadline that exists for those who have yet to hear the gospel message.
  • Encouraging believers to initiate conversations about faith and actively participate in evangelism.

Let's be inspired to share the message of salvation with others and embrace our role in extending God's love to those who have yet to hear it.

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