When Will the Lord Return. (Luke 17: 20-37)

The Bible Project

27-02-2024 • 33分

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Episode Notes

Scripture Passage: Luke 17:20-37

Welcome to our podcast episode which asks, "When Will the Lord Return?" Today, we delve into an intriguing passage from the Gospel of Luke, exploring the disciples' inquiries about the timing of the Kingdom of God's arrival and Jesus' profound responses.

Episode Overview:

In this episode, we'll dissect Luke 17:20-37, where Jesus responds to the Pharisees' question about the coming of the Kingdom of God. He uses this inquiry to impart crucial teachings about the nature of His return, emphasizing the importance of spiritual readiness and highlighting the unexpected nature of His coming.

Key Points:

  1. The Nature of the Kingdom: Jesus clarifies that the Kingdom of God is not something observable externally but rather a spiritual reality present among the people.
  2. The Unexpected Return: Jesus uses metaphors like lightning to emphasize the sudden and visible nature of His return, contrasting it with the days of Noah and Lot, where life continued as usual until divine judgment intervened abruptly.
  3. Spiritual Readiness: Jesus warns against being overly attached to worldly possessions and desires, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing spiritual preparedness for His return.
  4. The Uncertainty of Mortality: Reflecting on the sudden loss of a friend, we recognize the uncertainty of life and the need for constant spiritual preparedness.

Symbolic Meaning of "Where the Vultures Gather":

Jesus' cryptic response implies the swift and unexpected nature of His return, emphasizing the certainty of divine judgment and the need for spiritual readiness.


As we explore this passage, we're reminded of the urgency of spiritual preparedness and the uncertainty of life's duration. While we may not know the exact timing of the Lord's return, we must always be ready. Let's prioritize spiritual readiness and live lives aligned with His teachings, eagerly anticipating His glorious return.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of exploration and reflection. Stay tuned for more discussions on biblical teachings and prophecy. Until next time, may we all remain steadfast in faith and prepared for the glorious return of our Lord.

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