As we countdown to Election Day, there’s been a lot of talk about how illegals shouldn’t be
allowed to vote, but is there enough protection to prevent them from doing so? The
Obama-Biden-Kamala White House has encouraged more illegals to cross the border than
ever before! This is not an oversight - it’s on purpose! Why? Because they hope that, after
these border-crossers have been gifted with room and board, cell phones, credit cards, etc.
etc. etc. - they will vote Democrat. Today’s guest, Wendi Strauch Mahoney, a journalist with
True the Vote, and other publications/organizations, takes us behind the scenes to let us
know what ground has been laid to try to ensure an honest Election 2024. She’ll also
discuss other perils threatening our election - such as voting machines and governmental
agencies who refuse to share information with states.
True the Vote is a citizen-led effort to restore honor and integrity to our electoral system. It
educates voters, researches the veracity of voter registries, trains and mobilizes volunteers
to work in polling places, and advocates for comprehensive election code reform
legislation. Find out more at: