323 - The Elder Raccoons, or, Heath Believes in Evolution

Church & Other Drugs

19-01-2025 • 1時間 16分

Greetings, Congregation! This week, for the first time ever, Heath and Kenon together on the same show! We're gonna call it The Elder Raccoons. So, the first 20 minutes turned out to be "too hot for TV", so you'll have to head over to patreon.com/churchandotherdrugs if you want to hear it. Otherwise, the boys get into some interesting stuff- how far would you go for self-defense? Is evolution real? And then the boys' play "the Wikipedia game" and if you are a long-time listener, you know what that means,. music: All Comes Crashing by Metric and Move in Silence by Phantogram www.popnerdstudios.myshopify.com www.patreon.com/churchandotherdrugs churchandotherdrugs@gmail.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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