Kuidas ma tean, et Jeesus on ainus tee? Jeesus suri, et andestada meile kõik meie patud, et me saaksime Jumala juurde minna. Jumal tõotas, et ilmutab ennast igaühele, seepärast kui sa Teda otsid, siis sa leiad Tema. Jumal on hea, Ta on õige ja õiglane ja Ta armastab sind! Jumal igatseb sind kasutada, et rääkida ka teistele Jeesusest. ----- How do I know Jesus is the only way? Jesus died to forgive us of all our sin, so we can go to God. God promised to reveals Himself to everyone, so if you look for Him you will find Him. God is good, He is righteous and fair, and He loves you! God desires to use you to tell others about Jesus too.