Summer Streets Return!

Community News Updates from CJSR

29-04-2022 • 1分

Summer Streets Return to Edmonton

Hey there, active transpo listeners! Mobility lanes have returned starting the week of April 25! That means that vehicle lanes are converted for people to use for physical activity and we can bike, scoot, and roll comfortably in a separated lane. The speed limit on the adjacent roadway is reduced to 40 km/h where the lane is not separated by a median.

This program began in 2020 to ensure we had sufficient space to move during the lockdown but returns as part of a broader Summer Streets Program to make streets generally safer and more livable for everyone.

The Summer Streets Program supports active modes of travel so everyone can discover Edmonton and enjoy the summer outdoors.

The Summer Street locations for 2022 include the ever popular Victoria Park Hill Road, Saskatchewan Drive from 109 Street to west of 104 Street and 104 Street, from Saskatchewan drive south to 78 Avenue.