Philosophy Magazine Creator Kolby, on How Much Does it Cost to Travel the World as a Digital Nomad


10-06-2022 • 39分

How much does it cost to travel the world as a digital nomad? Kolby, creator of philosophy magazine After Dinner Conversation, for the last two years, he and his wife have been globe-trotting and visiting some of the most beautiful places in the world. They've been to Thailand, New Zealand, Italy, France, Croatia, Spain, Malta, Cypress, and Tanzania (among others), and they tend to change locations every three months or so. Kolby and his wife, Ashley, met many years ago when he was working on his law degree at Arizona State University and she was working on her university degree. They met at a race where she was doing a bicycle race and he was helping out a friend as a timer. They became friends, but didn't date, yet kept in touch via Facebook. Eventually, about 10 years later, in the middle of Ashley training for Ironman Kona, Kolby sent Ashley a message from Iceland asking her out on a date. They've been together ever since. They love traveling and value experiences and travel over money and houses and stuff. They're perfectly fine sleeping out of a tent and a backpack for days.  They've been all over the world and there's nothing they enjoy more than exploring new places together. They're a perfect match. Kolby runs an online literary magazine called After Dinner Conversation. He started it shortly after my wife and I got married, and it has been growing steadily ever since. The magazine went from short stories to anthologies, to a podcast, to a monthly magazine. He also does remote legal work as a lawyer. His wife is an online teacher for a charter school. Teaching online, doing consulting work, today there are many options for those who want to travel the world and make an income online. Overall, the cost of being a digital nomad can vary widely depending on your specific circumstances. Let's delve more into the question, how much does it cost to travel the world? Well, it doesn't have to be as expensive as you might think. You can travel cheaply by staying in hostels, Couchsurfing, and cooking your meals. You can also save money by planning your trip around low-cost destinations and seasons. Of course, how much you spend on travel will also depend on your style and preferences. Some people are happy to rough it to save money, while others prefer to splurge on occasional luxury items. Ultimately, the cost of travel is up to you. Whether you're a budget traveler or a jet setter, there's a way to make your travel dreams a reality. Read more about philosophy magazine After Dinner Conversation ( here). If you want to know more insider knowledge on how much does it cost to travel the world as a digital nomad, tune in to episode 19 of the Are We Home Yet Podcast and hear more from After Dinner Conversation creator, Kolby!Tune in every week for 2 new episodes with people from ( around the world)! Support the podcast, ( donate), and keep the cool interviews with guests from around the world going! (Subscribe, Download, Share, Rate, Review the podcast!) When you share the podcast, tag us as well:   IG @ (arewehomeyetpodcast ) & FB : @ (arewehomeyetpodcast ) Twitter: @ (arewehomeyetpod) Check out the ( blog) for handy information about living abroad and ( get the ebook for FREE) when you ( join the Facebook group) , a great guidebook for moving abroad!