S1, Episode 6: Mariapaola Weeks / Paediatric Nurse & Health Visitor

Sisterhood, The Podcast

17-07-2023 • 44分

After a weeks hiatus, Lucy is back this week speaking with Health Visitor & Paediatric Nurse Mariapaola Weeks.

Many women aren't aware that post partum you are assigned a health visitor who most likely comes to your home to see how you are adjusting to life with your newborn baby. This can be an invaluable relationship when you are feeling your most lonely and vulnerable. Discussing what a health visitor does and what you can rely on them for, Lucy and Paola discuss the reality of life in those first newborn weeks.

Paola mentions a couple of great resources:

- Alexandra Sacks Ted Talk on Matrescence: https://www.ted.com/talks/alexandra_sacks_a_new_way_to_think_about_the_transition_to_motherhood
- Zainab Yate's book is: When Breastfeeding Sucks: What you need to know about nursing aversion and agitation

Mariapaola's book, Goodbye Mummy's Milk, can be purchased here:

- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Goodbye-Mummys-Milk-Mariapaola-Weeks/dp/1739629906

Mariapaola has also shared some further links and resources for those struggling during the post partum period:

Supporting mental health:
- https://pandasfoundation.org.uk
- https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/mental-health/find-an-nhs-talking-therapies-service.

For those experiencing domestic violence and abuse support can be found at:
- https://www.womensaid.org.uk
- https://refuge.org.ukhttps://mensadviceline.org.uk
- https://galop.org.uk.

Until next week!
