S1, Episode 9: Clare Bourne / Pelvic Health Physiotherapist

Sisterhood, The Podcast

14-08-2023 • 54分

Carrying a baby for 9 months can take its toll on your body, mentally, but physically too. Pelvic health physiotherapist Clare Bourne sheds some light on a number of difficulties and struggles a woman may face in the perinatal period and how her personal experience has allowed her to get a greater understanding of the impact this can have on our day to day lives.

From commonly discussed (and often never explained!) terms such as prolapse, diastases recti and pelvic girdle pain, to symptoms and health concerns experienced day to day without even realising it...constipation, incontinence and back pain, in this episode Clare and Lucy cover it all.

Available for private appointments in South West London, Clare is your go to clinician for pelvic health, today, tomorrow or next year!

You can find Clare on instagram here

We didn't discuss it in the podcast but Clare has written a book!! You are able to pre-order it here

Until next week!
