S1, *Bonus* Episode 12: Emma Edwards / Finding Your Mum Tribe

Sisterhood, The Podcast

18-09-2023 • 33分

The final *bonus* episode of Season 1 of Sisterhood, The Podcast features Lucy's friend and fellow first time mum (FTM) Emma Edwards. After meeting on the app Peanut whilst both pregnant, Lucy and Emma discuss their new friendship and shared struggles over the past 12 months. Becoming a parent is huge adjustment, one that so many of us experience, but the 'village' that is so often spoken about is so rarely a reality for most of us, and finding solace and support in unlikely places is more commonplace than you may expect!

Emma discusses openly her fertility challenges, her journey to becoming a mother, and airs her hopes and dreams for the future.

This intimate conversation closes the first season of this podcast. It's been an eye-opening, but reassuring and comforting experience to know women are never alone in this massive journey we embark upon, if you are seeking out support or care, it is always out there, you just have to look a little harder to find it.

Until next season (maybe!)

P.S. if you'd like to get in touch please contact me through the podcast contact link; whether you're a new mum and would like some words of wisdom, a business who'd like to work with me, or simply a podcast admirer, I'd love to hear from you!