S1, Episode 8: Hannah Clapham / Infant Sleep Specialist

Sisterhood, The Podcast

07-08-2023 • 57分

Zombie or Martyr? You don't have to choose!

This week Lucy speaks with Hannah Clapham from Little Nest Sleep. Discussing a more holistic approach to infant sleep, Hannah shares her personal experience and professional advice on how to get through those first weeks and months. Delving into how sleep (or lack of it) can impact how we feel about ourselves and our ability to parent, Lucy and Hannah share intimate thoughts and feelings relatable to any parent with young children.

Hannah's instagram can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/littlenestsleep/reels/?ref=dtf.ru
Her podcast can be found here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/sleep-like-a-baby/id1566863544
Her website can be found here: https://littlenest.uk

Hannah mentions a number of resources throughout this episode, they can be found here:

- Kerry Secker, Care It Out: https://www.careitout.com

Safe sleep guidance:
- The Lullaby Trust: https://www.lullabytrust.org.uk
- The NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/caring-for-a-newborn/reduce-the-risk-of-sudden-infant-death-syndrome/

Until next week!
