Koinonia: Fellowship (Week 2)


07-10-2024 • 26分

In this week's message, we explore the profound themes of fellowship, suffering, and the surpassing worth of knowing Christ, as highlighted in Philippians 3:7-11. Paul, writing from imprisonment, emphasizes the immense value of knowing Jesus, considering all else as loss. This message challenges us to evaluate our priorities and consider what we are willing to sacrifice to follow Jesus fully. We delve into the role of suffering in the Christian life, suggesting that sharing in Christ's sufferings can deepen our connection with Him and refine our faith. Additionally, the importance of fellowship within the body of Christ is emphasized, encouraging us to support one another deeply and overcome isolation. Reflect on how you can embrace fellowship, realign your priorities, and share in the sufferings of others to grow closer to Christ and your fellow believers.


深田小百合の引き寄せ Happy ティータイム
深田小百合の引き寄せ Happy ティータイム
自己実現スピリチュアルコーチ 深田 小百合
リアルスピリチュアリスト 橋本ゆみ
氣功ヒーラー 吉村竜児
曹洞宗 慶昌院
アトラクションカウンセラー 広田縁
禅Life フリーランス僧侶が教える心穏やかな生活
禅Life フリーランス僧侶が教える心穏やかな生活
禅インストラクター 曹洞宗僧侶 深澤亮道
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