Deity Devotions; Brigid with Water of Whimsy's Regan Ralston

Backyard Banshee presents...

02-05-2023 • 45分

In this episode, we dive into a relationship with the Ancient Irish-Celtic pantheon goddess Brigid. Brigid, also known as Brigit, is a major focus for those who follow the wheel of the year - but she's also an incredible queer-friendly deity to work with, especially for creativity purposes, connecting with nature and finding a divination practice. We get the pleasure of an honest conversation with our guest Regan Ralston. Regan, of Water of Whimsy, is a watercolor illustrator based in upstate NY, whose work features themes of witchcraft, folklore, and mythology. She is the author of upcoming book Kitchen Witchery for Everyday Magic, published by Page Street Publishing, available for pre-order wherever books are sold. You can connect with her:

Instagram: @waterofwhimsy

Twitter: @waterofwhimsy

TiKTok: @waterofwhimsy

Facebook: Water of Whimsy - Art Shop

Preorder your own copy (like I did) of the Kitchen Witchery book here.


⁠Celtic Myth and Religion: A Study of Traditional Belief, with Newly Translated Prayers, Poems and Songs by Sharon Paice MacLeod⁠

⁠The Power of Myth with Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell⁠

"The Coming of Bríde" by ⁠John Duncan⁠ (1917)

If you'd love to learn more about a witchcraft practice, and even about more goddesses too, you'll find so many articles to dive into


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