Deity Devotions; The Goddess with Amy Cesari

Backyard Banshee presents...

25-07-2023 • 57分

In this episode, we dive into the history and feminism of The Goddess. Amy Cesari is an author and illustrator who loves animated musicals. She also likes watercolor painting, witchcraft, and walking on the beach in a really big sun hat. Not only does she own every Nintendo game console ever made, she's earned several fancy diplomas and enjoys continued studies in various magical practices (

TW: Zsuzsanna Budapest

Additional resources:

"Coloring Book of Shadows: Witch Life" by Amy Cesari

"Witch's Herbal Primer: A Beginner's Guide to Plant Magic" by Amy Cesari

"The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth" by Robert Graves

"The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image" by Leonard Shlain

"Goddesses in Everywoman: Powerful Archetypes in Women's Lives" by Jean Shinoda Bolen

"Feminine Deities of the Left Hand Path" by Edgar Kerval et al (multiple authors)

Learn more about deities, dark feminine, witchcraft, tarot, divinationand more at


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