150. The myth of the “right choice”.

Be It Till You See It

03-11-2022 • 38分

Would you dance alone? Would you take a step forward just through instinct? This conversation has everything from creating a sleep routine and sunset alarms, to allowing the universe into your decisions. After this convo, maybe you will dance alone.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • How to build a better sleep routine
  • How to become an invitation for others
  • Can you make a wrong decision?
  • How to include the universe into the choice

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Episode Transcript:

Lesley Logan

Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guests will bring Bold, Executable, Intrinsic and Targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.

Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co host in life, Brad and I are going to dig into the questioning convo I have with Joanna Vargas in our last episode. If you haven't yet listened to the interview, feel free to pause this now. Go back and listen to this one that one, then listen to this one. And the ...

Brad Crowell

And then join. I'm Brad.

Lesley Logan

I'm Lesley Logan. (Brad: Whoa. Just sneak it in.) We're working on this new idea of introducing ourselves at the beginning instead of the end. You know, it didn't occur to me that like it was weird to have the names of the end until I was listening to podcasts where they like, like they say their names of beginning I was like (Brad: Right) "Oh, we don't do that." (Brad: Yeah, maybe we should.) But I mean, it says Be It Till You See It with Lesley Logan. You should know who I am.

Brad Crowell

... you did sort of just introduce me when you mentioned your co host in life, Brad. (Lesley: ... you're introduced. I'm introduced. So I'm covered.

Lesley Logan

So I'm the only one who is never introduced because I don't introduce myself on an interview and I don't ... If you're new, let me know if it's confusing as to who I am in any episode. That's what I like to know. Because if it's not then this is not an issue. We can keep moving on. Anyways, we are still in Cambodia. (Brad: Yes.) Which means we are recording this as if it's happening when you're listening to it. But really we're recording it before, we going on a flight. And so I'm I'm I'm manifesting how fucking awesome Cambodia.

Brad Crowell

Yeah, right now I am, I am, I'm half, I'm up to my knees in the Cambodian River. No ...

Lesley Logan

No, he's not. We don't get in the water.

Brad Crowell

...river. It's gross. (Lesley: We don't get in the water.) But we are probably hiking through a jungle.

Lesley Logan

Oh, well, we're supposed to be in a waterfall.

Brad Crowell

Well, it's a Thursday ... (Lesley: So we have already ...) But it's Wednesday here. Thursdays? Yeah, yeah, we will be out of what, we might actually literally be at a waterfall while this is happening.

Lesley Logan

Yeah, there's a waterfall in Cambodia. And if you are on our retreat, you already know that we're doing this for you. But it's a surprise. (Brad: Surprise) Because we don't usually do the waterfall. If we're a big group, we just can't (Brad: Yeah) there's just not enough time. But with a small group we can. So it's so friggin exciting. And then we come back and Brad goes to Philly. No, we don't, we come back together. (Brad: And we will go to Arizona.) And we go to Arizona. Yeah, then I might to TBD on the actual scene of the Grand Canyon since I have only seen it from a plane. And if you don't know the story in 2018, when I was like, I'm not going to East Coast unless we drive. And so we were in a really tiny SUV and drove cross country. And we were driving through the south and I were going the Grand Canyon. And I said, Brad, I just heard in the bathroom that we're driving in a blizzard that unbeknownst to me, so a little crazy weather but I was just like, I guess this is winter. I'm not from, I'm not from any place, but California. It's the Grand Canyon. You can't miss it.

Brad Crowell

It's like you can see it from space. It's the Grand Canyon.

Lesley Logan

Let me just tell you, y'all. It was a whiteout. You could not, you could, I don't know how to show you this because this is a podcast and I also don't have to show it to you on YouTube because we're not putting it here. But maybe Amanda can post on the @be_it_pod Instagram, the pictures of me seeing the Grand Canyon in real life for the first time with my feet on the ground. You can't fucking see the Grand Canyon. (Brad: Yeah) Not even on the near side. Even we like tilted it like look, here's the Grand Canyon 10 feet from us. You can't see it. So it's like run because I'm not getting snowed in this place.

Brad Crowell

I know it was coming down so hard. It was literally like if we don't move right now we might not be able to leave.

Lesley Logan

Yeah, yeah. So at any rate, um, the hope is that I get to camp one night at the Grand Canyon. And then we come back (Brad: Yeah.) And Brad leaves me to go to the Thanksgiving at his parents place and see his grandfather and (Brad: Yeah) his family. And then he comes back and I leave for Dallas, Texas with Erika Quest.

Brad Crowell

Yeah ...

Lesley Logan

And then we come back, I come back, and then we drive to Texas.

Brad Crowell

Yeah then we ... (Lesley and Brad laughs) Yeah, you come back out. You're we're here for less than a week. And then we hit the road.

Lesley Logan

If I did want to see New Mexico and I and I had a way to like have my own place in Dallas for 10 days. I probably just stay there but that's not really I really want to see New Mexico. So anyway, I'm coming back. So it's a very busy winter for us. And it's because we're going on tour. But just to go back if you are like, "Wait, you're gonna be in Dallas with Erika Quests?" Yes, we are. And to be honest, how can you get on that? (Brad: You're gonna have to DM us.) You gotta DM me because the reality is is well ...

Brad Crowell

Well you there for some workshops.

Lesley Logan

I'm there for some workshops. It's only workshop. We are teaching classes on the tour. We'll be back in Dallas at each class on the tour. But the space is very limited. And so you got to hit me up to get this special link.

Brad Crowell

I think Dallas will be teaching class on like 13th, 14th or 15th of December, I can't ever exactly ...

Lesley Logan

One of those is Dallas and one of those is Houston. (Brad: Right.) Yeah.

Brad Crowell

Yeah. So anyway, stay tuned.

Lesley Logan

But the workshops, let me just like be like really quick like, toot my own horn. It's my fucking podcast, its what we do. But Erika Quest and I, are teaching how classical and where classical and contemporary collide, which is not where we compare classical and contemporary exercises, we actually are colliding them together. It's a really fun, empowering workshop. We are, we did it in Chicago, we're making it a four hour workshop this time. So we're super excited. And then the next day, she's got a really fun workshop going on. And then I go solo on like building your tower up, because so many people are like, how do I make a tower class? So I'm super excited the first time I'm gonna teach this workshop. (Brad: Cool) I love building tower classes up. This is where I get created. (Brad: Yeah) So we're doing that. There's anything that interests you and you are in the Dallas area, you can hit me up. And if you are wanting to work out with me in Dallas or Houston, then you should hit me up anyways, because I'm the only one who has these links. (Brad: There you go.) Do we have a question?

Brad Crowell

Yes ... So we got, we've love this question kind of was a spinoff from the question from the last recap. So ... (Lesley: Oh, way to go team.) And the reason is because I actually had a whole conversation with one of our retreaters about the ... of the idea, the process of falling asleep. And she said, I have trouble sleeping, I can climb into bed, and I leave myself enough time. But then I find that I'm I just can't sleep, I can't sleep. And so I asked her like, "Okay, why? Are you, are you thinking?" And she's like, "Yes, I'm totally thinking the whole time. And I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking and I'm not sleeping, sleeping, sleeping instead. And ...

Lesley Logan

And by the way, thinking when I'm not sleeping, and looking at your clock makes it worse, don't look at the clock, don't count down.

Brad Crowell

So I have spent a lot of time studying sleep, which is ironic because I don't sleep very much. And it's ...

Lesley Logan

I am making him sleep more because (Brad: It's a constant battle.) I need him to live as long as me or longer. I don't wanna be the first to go.

Brad Crowell

And one of what I figured out, I'm just gonna let you keep saying those things. That's great. I love you and I'm not dying. But the point is, the point is for me, for me, and probably for most, sleep is actually a decision. Okay, so the problem with the thinking is that you have not decided to sleep.

Lesley Logan

Oh, that's interesting. I think that's true. Because how many times are you talking to me and I in the middle of a sentence, I just, I'm asleep. (Brad and Lesley laughs)

Brad Crowell

Hey love that so great that we're gonna .... you're asleep. So so like, you get in bed, because you have to get in bed. It's an obligation, Okay, I better go to sleep now. Instead, it's like, I got to do it, because I have to do it right now. And, you know, instead of the idea that I am going to sleep. When you can hear that in the background. Our dog is literally digging up the new carpet that's she uses for workout. (Lesley: The new, new carpet.) The new carpet (Lesley: And so...) that she's deciced it's not comfortable enough. And she's pulling it off the floor.

Lesley Logan

It's not comfortable. I don't care. It's a beautiful rug.

Brad Crowell

Yeah. Anyway, the point is, you know, there are a handful of tips that I can absolutely recommend. That will allow you to go to sleep the and there's a bunch of stats, the average person takes seven minutes to fall asleep. The tips that I can give you are this, if you find yourself thinking, thinking, thinking, remember you are not only are you going to make a decision of when you fall asleep, but you're going to make a decision of when you're going to wake up. Okay? Because this is going to help you not sleep through your alarm, which I'm so good at doing. But when I make the actual decision, I literally say to myself, tomorrow I'm gonna get up at 8:30 or 7:15 or 6:53, it doesn't matter. But if I specifically say I'm going to get up at x time, then when that clock rolls around, I actually do it. I actually get out of bed. If I don't literally say I'm gonna get up at x time. When that alarm goes off. I'm like, "Oh, I'm probably okay to sleep for another 10 minutes." Right. And then I sleep 20 minutes. So there's decisions that are being made here. So but there are some suggestions that I can make for you about actually stopping your mind from spinning. Get a pen and paper put it next to your bed every time you have a thought. What we talked about in the last episode is that you're probably worried you're going to forget something you have to do. So write that thing down. Now you can give yourself permission not to try to remember that you don't need to remember it is written down, you can now relax. Because you're not stressed that you have to remember this, that stress is going to keep your mind going. So that you remember to do the thing tomorrow, don't forget, right? So that's a huge thing. If you are an ideator, like me, when I go to sleep, I've what I used to find myself, like, that's when I was writing a new song. I don't know why, why is that the time I don't know. But that's when my brain is like, "Wow, I got this really cool idea." I would then record a voice memo on my phone. So then again, I don't have to try to remember it, because I won't remember it. And that stresses me out. And then I would stay away, try to remember it. Right. Another thing you can do is focus on your breathing. Okay, and the breathing in through the nose. And it could be out of the nose or mouth.

Lesley Logan

It should be in and out through the nose for sleep. It's grounding.

Brad Crowell

Yeah. But the what when you create an even breath, in and out through your nose, I find it allows my mind to wander and the wandering, not the thinking. The wandering is actually my secret sauce for how I go to sleep. I literally put myself in my own movie in my head. Okay.

Lesley Logan

I can't wait to tell you about how I fall asleep because we have a different way to fall asleep.

Brad Crowell

I put myself in my own movie in my head, where I'm the, I'm either like the lead character or I'm falling along as like, third party, but I'm envisioning the scenery. I'm feeling it, smelling it, seeing it, like I'm actually in an environment that I'm creating. And I let my mind continue to create that, that environment and that scene and that thing that's happening. And literally, I find myself dreaming about that.

Lesley Logan

I love these things. (Brad: Yeah) They're all really helpful. A couple things. There are tons of studies about sleep you like if you ever hear me talk about ideal schedule. The first thing I'm going to tell you that goes in your schedule is when you go to bed when you wake up, when you go to bed, and when you wake up. You, I don't care what else you think is the most precious thing. I don't care if it's your amazing children, I don't care if it's brilliant job, I don't care, I don't care. I don't care how much it pays you. When do you go to sleep and when you wake up is the first thing goes in your calendar. And it's very important. Because there's so much that sleep is in charge that you cannot be it till you see it if you aren't sleeping. And I promise you this because if you're not sleeping, you're not going to prepare your body for digestive cycle. If you don't go through digestive cycle, you don't absorb nutrition, if you don't absorb nutrition, it doesn't matter how (Brad: Stress) positive you are, you have high stress, you'll stop producing stomach acid, your B12, your vitamin D, your absorption rates are gonna go down. You can be the most positive person in the room and you'll become the most depressed person in the room ... (Brad: How do you know this?) Because it was me. (Brad laughs)

Brad Crowell

Actually ... it became a vicious cycle (Lesley: Yeah) because she ...

Lesley Logan

I had stomach issues which causes sleep issues. Which cause stomach ...

Brad Crowell

And sleep issues cause stomach issues. Right. So it was now the chicken or the egg.

Lesley Logan

Yeah, and it was, it was, it was insane. So Arianna Huffington has a book called Sleep. Cuz home girl probably should read this book. Home girl also was like, "I'll sleep when I'm dead." (Brad: Yeah, that's literally I used to say. I'll sleep when I'm dead.) She broke her jaw of her nose. She broke her face because she ... she had her head like her face on her hand. And she was reading and she literally slipped and her whole face hit the desk. (Brad: Yeah.) And she broke her body. (Brad: Yeah.) So she ended up studying sleep. And there's a lot of things you can do. First of all, a sleep routine. And this is really important, just like a morning routines important, a sleep routine is actually really important. You could, you you should sleep in the same clothes or as close to the same clothes as possible every night. This is going to help you so like literally it's just sleeping. So unless you're sweating, like you probably wear your sleep clothes a couple of times a row or by by five of them and like habit there and so you have the sleeper ... do your brushing teeth, face washi whatever your stuff is in the same order at night, it will literally prepare your brain for sleep because it no... "Oh, when I do this, I go to sleep." So it's it's the same as like training an animal. Like there's these things that happen and then your brain goes okay, like's routines. Second, you should not be looking at your screens, ideally two hours before sleep but like please, please, please at minimum one hour. One hour before bed, my dog and my dog is a little loud. (Brad: He's growled up.) I know. Because I'm waking up his sleep. (Brad: Yeah.) So one hour before bed, no screens. It's like, I cannot tell you how many studies are out there. Like literally ladies who are in love with Huberman. He even says it. Okay, so if you're not going to take my word for it, if you're looking for a handsome doctor, he says it. So it's really really important. That is why if you missed the last recap episode, you heard me say my phone doesn't come with my dog walk. Because that actually gives me at least 90 minutes before bed sometimes two hours before I go to bed to go, one of my sleep routines is actually fall asleep to the same music every night. How do I do this? My phone's not with me. Guess what? Google Voice, Google Play, whatever, Siri, all these things are amazing. You all technology to do this. I literally just press play on it. If we want to walk, it's playing in the room. So when I walk into the room, the room is already set up for sleep. And it goes off at a certain time. If I said that, that's a new thing I have to have have happened. But ...

Brad Crowell

But also you can talk to Google Home. (Lesley: Yeah, I just thought ...) And you can say hey, (Lesley: turn the music off) yeah, turn off the music in 25 minutes ... I also have a sunrise alarm clock. And just so that you understand she actually keeps her phone in the living room. And then it's Bluetooth through the wall, to our Google Home speaker in the bedroom. And then so she sets it playing the mute her sleep music before we go into dogwalk. Then we walk for I don't know, an hour, and then we come home. And then she has her sleep routine. And once she's climbed into bed, the music's still been playing this whole time. Then she tells Google, turn it off and you know, 25 minutes (Lesley: Yeah) or 15 minutes or whatever. And ...

Lesley Logan

Yeah, I like to give myself a little, I like to give myself more time than I know that I need because there's nothing more stressful than the music going off because I fall asleep and you're like ...

Brad Crowell

But how do you wake up with your alarm (Lesley: Okay) on your phone and it's in the other room? How does that work?

Lesley Logan

So I have a sunrise alarm clock that by the way also has a sunset thing. This is also a proven thing and I am not a napper, I hate fucking napping. But I've had a nap occasionally. And I use my sleep routine to help me nap. So I have on the music that I play. And then by the way, I hate to go on a plane I have the same music as downloaded to the phone so that if I'm on a plane, I can play it, so I can get some amount of sleep on a plane because I freakin hate sleeping sitting up. But I have this sun set alarm at sunsets on me even for a nap. And then a sunrise I set the sunrise to go and the room just gets brighter in my face. And I wake up and I don't wake up groggy, I wake up like it's time to get I can't even hit snooze. Even when I want to, I sometimes like I don't really need to get up on the via rebel like Brad I'mma snooze this. I can't, every time I try, I'm like, fuck I sneak it up.

Brad Crowell

We will put a link to this sunset or the sunrise sunset alarm (Lesley: This people should ...) in the show notes because it's it's a really cool device. And when Lesley goes out of town, I will literally sleep on her side of the bed and use this to wake up. It's pretty cool.

Lesley Logan

It's so cool. I'm obsessed with it. And we stay at the Vidar Hotel. And by the way they had and I was like, (Brad: Yeah) "Oh my God, the hotel has my alarm, my alarm lamp. And that's amazing." So asleep routine is going to help you go to sleep as why I don't even take seven minutes. I take 13 seconds. (Brad: Yeah) I'm like out. (Brad: She's like, out.) And by the way, I'm out he can pull the air pods out of my ear for the podcast. (Brad: Exactly.) And I don't even move. I don't even know what happened. I like don't I didn't even know that I fell asleep when we're talking. So and this comes from someone who slept three hours a night for many, many years. So I I'm not saying this from someone who's always had a good time sleeping. That's not who I am. I never napped as a child. My parents hated it because they are nappers and they're like just sit in your room. So so please please please if you need scientific evidence, check out Huberman podcast on sleep. Check out Arianna Huffington spoke on Sleep.

Brad Crowell

We'll also link to both of those things in the show notes.

Lesley Logan

Yeah. Have a sleep routine. And if anything happens have a sleep routine, it's going to be great. You'll love it, your brain will love you for it and yes to everything Brad said about writing it down and the decisions all that is true. But get away from your screens. But I don't care if your blue light blue blockers on you know I love those. You have to get off screens and out before bed if you want your brain to stop thinking.

Brad Crowell

Okay, now let's talk about Joanna Vargas. (Lesley: She's back.) Serial entrepreneur Joanna Vargas has built two brick and mortar Dance and Fitness businesses and multiple event businesses covering dance, running and more. She brings together over 10,000 people every single year at these events that she hosts. Her podcast teaches women how to live fully by asking questions and being curious so they can live longer and make more money. And she is like a Spitfire lover.

Lesley Logan

She Spitfire. We love her. She's got a great course on Profitable Pilates about filling your classes for life. She's just a rock star like she really, really really is. And also I just had to say, I think this is coming out on her birthday, Happy Birthday, Joanna. We couldn't be at your surprise party because we're in Cambodia. (Brad and Lesley laugsh) So anyways, that just came to me. One thing that I love that came up in a story she shared about dancing should be an invitation for others who was dancing alone, inspiring others. So this has led this event with all these women. (Brad: Yeah) And she was out there ...

Brad Crowell

... 200 women, (Lesley: and no one was dancing) And there was a DJ kicking ass, and no one was dancing.

Lesley Logan

And we were descending Chicago, and there was a dance floor with an incredible DJ. By the way, I don't even know why I interview him except for just to like, just because I wanted to be his friends. (Brad: He is fancy. He is good.) We have the same shoe. We love sparkles. (Brad: Oh yeah) But he was amazing DJ. (Brad: It was great.) And, of course, no one was dancing by themselves. And no one's danced by themselves. So everyone's like waiting for the crowd to start. And it starts with someone and but Joanna had no other crowd, she just danced by herself. It turned out because she did that she was having a conversation and then getting a gig out of it. And it's by being herself. So she was an invitation for others to do something that was scary. And then it (Brad: Yeah) ended up becoming an invitation for herself.

Brad Crowell

Yeah, I mean, I think I think the the, have you ever been in a classroom? And someone else asked the question that you have. And you're like, "Oh, I'm so happy that they asked a question. That was my question." But you didn't want to to ask the question. Well, the person who asked the question was giving, they were being the invitation for you to ask that question. And to be honest, ask other questions too, right. And when you be the invitation for other people, you're you're actually showing that you're a leader, you're you're an authority, you are confident there's all these kinds of things that are that people then look at you they also and and what I thought was interesting about this, Joanna talked about the conversation she had with herself. She's like, these people probably think I'm drunk. I'm dancing alone. Right? How am I am I being the awkward girl right now? And she had to have that mental conversation with herself. Like, you know what? It doesn't matter what they think. I'm, I'm here enjoying this music having a good time.

Lesley Logan

Well, and I think that goes to like, it's a be it till you see it kind of thing. Because she was like, "Okay, I'm going to be out there. I feel like doing this, I'm going to do it. I'm gonna just get an answer here until I feel comfortable to dance out here by myself." And, you know, sometimes ...

Brad Crowell

That's a character building right there.

Lesley Logan

Oh, my God and insane, but like, I, we were at a comedy show. And you could tell that, like, someone had to laugh so other people could feel like, as a ... Am I allowed to laugh at that, like, I gonna laugh . And so I think like, being limitation for others is not only character building, but it's also sometimes the thing that so many people just need to see, they need to see that it's okay to do that. (Brad: Yeah) You know, when we were in Chicago, at Pilates on tour, I was teaching this workshop. And at the end, Erika was like, any last words, I'm like, "Yeah, just like, it's okay to do the best you can." You know, like, it's okay to not be perfect at this. It's okay to, to take a guess sometimes and see where it leads you. If the clients gonna come back the next week. And you could just see everyone go. (Brad: Yeah.) Right. Their shoulders dropped. They exhaled. And, and what happened afterwards with the table. Some goes, "That was the best workshop I ever attended. Is the best workout I've ever attended." And it was a great fuck yeah, it was amazing. I'm great. But I also know because I invited people. (Brad: Yes, you are Babe.) Thank you. (Brad: Yes you are.) Thank you. Toot my own horn. But I also know is because in an everything I do, I really tried to like create an invitation for other people to not be perfect and do the best they can. (Brad: Yeah) It's good enough. It's good enough for today. (Brad: I love that.) What do you love?

Brad Crowell

Great. So she had a whole nother conversation about choices that I wanted to weigh in on because she basically said, you can't make a wrong choice. And she said, making a choice creates awareness. Which I thought was very interesting, because conversely, we think we are typically taught awareness creates the quote unquote, "right choice." Okay, so she's saying, make a choice. And then you're gonna have more options. You'll see the options in front of you, as opposed to where like, weigh all the options and then make a choice. (Lesley: Yeah.) Okay. So so,

Lesley Logan

I mean, I really do think it comes back to action creates clarity.

Brad Crowell

Yeah, I mean, I think the the idea of the weighing all the options first creates analysis paralysis, can create analysis paralysis, right? If you are, if you have, I mean, think about this, this is like classic sales. Three is enough choices. If you have 10 choices in front of you, it's more likely, statistically more likely you will not make any decision, you will make no choice, then if there are three or less choices, two is even better. One is like, okay, then you either take it or leave it, right. But three, you can like mess around with pricing. And like, there's some psychology there. But but you start to get more than that. And it becomes like, I don't actually know what decision to make, because I can't I'm having a hard time comparing them all to each other. So I don't know, what is the quote unquote, "right choice." And anyway, I thought that was really amazing. Because she her argument is, you cannot make a wrong choice.

Lesley Logan

Yeah. Well, I completely agree with that. I think so many people are like what if I make the wrong decision. It's like, everything is happening for you. You have to believe that. And I know you're like what, Lesley there's so much shit happening. It's like, it is happening for you. I was homeless. I totaled my car, the studio that I rented from closed, my job transferred me. And it's the best thing that ever happened. (Brad: Yeah) Best way... And then I'm not I'm not saying that I'm happy that the pandemic happened. I am not saying that at all, because so many people lost their lives. But it was so scary flying back from Cambodia, and knowing that my entire year's income was completely shut down. (Brad: Yeah, it was scary.) Like the old because because even teaching in person was there's so much uncertainty who is going to want to do virtual? And if they don't do virtual, then what do we do? And that was the best thing ever happened to us. So having to, to do that. So I just want to tell you like you can't make a wrong choice. She can't be she's so right about that. Because the choice you make is oftentimes like, it's like this gut instinct of like, you want to do like a little nudge, little nudge, do that thing. And then even if it doesn't get you the results you wanted. It's never the worst case of the best case scenario. We've all we've already talked about that it's usually somewhere in the middle. And it brings clarity around what you need to do next, and it takes away a lot of fear.

Brad Crowell

Yeah, I think and I was thinking about this a lot, because I was I was trying to, like, come up with some kind of an analogy or comparison. And it made me think all the way back to the the I think episode two with Rob Lowe. No, Rob ...

Lesley Logan

Rob Lowe, we've never interviewed him. But Rob Mack is really amazing. (Brad and Lesley laughs) Rob Lowe if you're listening. (Brad: Yeah. Rob Lowe we have to have you on the pod.) Tell me your be it till you see it story. (Brad: Yeah) Well, he has to apply. (Lesley laughs) (Brad: Yeah, we'll consider you.)

Brad Crowell

Rob Mack was talking about the staircase. And he said, you pretty much put one step one foot in front of the other here. You know, you might actually see all this staircase, but you still can't get to step 25 until you've gone through step 2 3 4 5. What if you cannot see step 25? What if this is like a video game and you're holding a lantern, and you can't see more than two steps in front of you. You literally don't know what else is happening. And right. So so Joanna's argument here is you still have to take a step, make a decision. When you get one step further, you're going to see oh, what's up there? Maybe there's a fork in the road. Now you have a choice to make left or right. Okay, let's go left. Okay, after you've got left now you have another decision to make.

Lesley Logan

Is a choose your own adventure, which you know, I love. You know, I love it a chooser adventure.

Brad Crowell

I love it. And honestly, like when you are putting one foot in front of the other that that stops this analysis paralysis, it allows you to continue to move forward, even if you aren't 100% sure. Here's the other thing. Chances are, you can actually turn back and take the right fork if you need to. (Lesley: Well. And can I just say ...) Not always the case, but more often than not.

Lesley Logan

Yes. And because we had a couple of Agency members say like, I'm gonna two steps forward one step back, and I hate it. And I'm like, you know, It's not that bad you think who's it for? And then you take a step back and you can look back at like, how did it go? And you can actually decide if you want to take that step forward again, or if you want to go somewhere else.

Brad Crowell

Well, it creates more awareness, (Lesley: Yeah) which is exactly Joanna's point. (Lesley: Brilliant.) Yeah. All right. So finally, let's talk about those BE IT action items. What bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted action items can we take away from your convo with Joanna Vargas? Well, she she said to make the demand of you and then ask the universe. Okay. This is a bit woo for me to be quite frank. But, but I think that, well, the way I'm going to interpret this is to make the demand of you, okay? And it's actually kind of very similar to what we were just talking about. When you make a choice, right, then you can evaluate, okay, so make the demand of you. And then and there's belief here in this like, asking the universe, you know, asking God, asking, you know, (Lesley: source) higher power, (Lesley: Yeah) however it is that you see it. The you have to know that you're moving forward with purpose, okay? And that's where it's like, make make a decision, make a choice, and you're applying that to you.

Lesley Logan

Well, actually, it's very Pam Grout ish, which is also very law of attraction, which is very Abraham Hicks, which we are very into right now. Morning rampages are the new morning routine. (Brad: Yeah. Awesome.) But um, in Pam Grout's book, she literally says, you have to actually ask for something, you're very specific, which is like making a demand of you. It means it requires you to go, what am I going to ask the universe to show me? And then you have to tell show me, show me it. And then you have to be willing to look for evidence for the universe answering that question. And ... something Scoble Shah, we talked about her a couple episodes ago, but she has that same thing in her book. And on my phone, so I can't tell what it is. But anyways, she's got a great book, go back to a couple episodes, you can tell what is in the comments below. So sorry, I can't remember off the top my head. But anyway, I do. I do think that this is a bit woo, it's also it's also allowing you to go okay, this is the choice I'm going to make. And then I'm going to have the universe participate in this choice, boom. But my biggest takeaway is learning to choose as you