Episode 273 - Hinduphobia vs Islamophobia. A proxy war of words

Religions Regimes Refugees: A Multicultural Mess & Secular Scam

20-04-2023 • 35分

Episode 273 - Hinduphobia vs Islamophobia. A proxy war of words

Hello my friends

We have come to a stage in our civilization where people have stooped to a very low level.

They engage in narrative wars of ignorance, using phobia to scare people. What we do not understand is that it is our currents that form the waves. Its not the waves that form the currents,

When we point fingers at others, it does not define who we are, but when we point fingers at others, its shows us a mirror image of who we are. The narrative building is not a new phenomenon. Bharat has seen this ignorance and supremacist victim narrative for the last 3000 years. Her Abrahamic neighbors who dwell on supremacy as the ultimate ideology have been beating their chests at our doorstep. Spreading narratives to destroy the pagans and Kuffar as they have destroyed every other civilization on this planet.

The only ancient civilization in our Vedic civilization, that which stood up to their invasions and onslaughts. This is because we had knowledge. Over the last 1300 years, they have slowly taken away out money, wealth and knowledge and now we stand bare, on the battlefield. It is time to put our shields of knowledge on and heal. Once we heal, we will all rise up to a better tomorrow and heal the world.

Please share with your friends, family and have that conversation with at least 10 people and ask them to do the same to 10 more people each. Conversations are the best step to healing and gathering knowledge.

Thanking you


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