A RELATIONSHIP with the AUTHOR. Luke 20:1 (S2-Episode #55)

Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

23-02-2021 • 7分

Two things charmed me about this passage.  The first was wondering about Jesus "preaching the gospel" to those hanging on His words in the temple. I wonder what that was like.  I wonder what passages He used from the Old Testament. I wonder what quotes He recalled from Himself and the years of His earthly ministry.  This is going to be one of my conversation questions in heaven: What did you preach that Tuesday in the Temple? Tell me that story!

The formal Jewish authorities called Jesus' authority into question.  Jesus addresses the heart of the matter by a question, as He so frequently does.  He recalls John the Baptist's authority and its source outside of formal channels.  They get the crux of the matter: If Jesus really is an authentic AUTHORITY, or even the AUTHOR, then everything changes. One owes Him allegiance, obedience and appreciation.  If He is regent, then we are His subjects.

But here is my second charming:  Though the authorities had their undies in a crumple about RULES, what the AUTHOR is offering is RELATIONSHIP. Who is this God who offers Himself in such a way?  Why does He care for and favor we the sons of men and women?  It makes me want to hang on His WORDS, and onto His Person too.  Join me please.

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