Understanding the Gartner perspective on Cloud (and more)

The Cloudcast

04-09-2024 • 47分

Paul Delory (@pacdelory, Research VP @Gartner_Inc for Technical Professionals) shares insights about cloud computing, cloud costs, VMware, Platform engineering and IaC.

SHOW: 853

CLOUD NEWS OF THE WEEK - http://bit.ly/cloudcast-cnotw



Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Before we jump into a broad set of topics today, give us a little bit about your background and what you focus on today.

Topic 2 - The hyperscalers have grown quite large over the last decade, but as we came out of COVID, many of their customers were concerned about the cost of cloud. Are we seeing a new rationalization coming around cloud costs and accountability of costs?

Topic 3 - We’ve all read the headlines regarding changes to VMware by Broadcom. Alternatives to VMware would be big decisions for many companies. As a neutral independent, how are you framing your thinking about the VMware ecosystem and the decisions being made about the future of virtualization?

Topic 4 - Over the last decade, we’ve seen so many new technologies. To get value from them, they require more cross-functional collaboration. These days we tend to call that Platform Engineering. How well do you see the evolution of people and processes being adopted, and how much more needs to happen?

Topic 5 - Behind the scenes of every transition over the past decade (Cloud, AI, Cloud-native) is the adoption of automation. This seems like a no-brainer, but actual adoption is lumpy across companies. What are some of the hard parts of automation that aren’t discussed enough?