Nuts and Bolts - Season 7 of the Free Range Preacher on Prayer podcast. 01

Free Range Preacher on Prayer

08-01-2025 • 10分

“Nuts and Bolts” - Listen at your peril, but there is an encouragement at the end. Thank you.

I really enjoyed the energy of last year's October Surprise month, and the feedback was positive.

(The whole message explains why we are doing "nuts and bolts," and there's an encouragement at the end today.

So for Season Seven, at least to begin with, we are going to use the same format as we do for our October Surprise month.

We will produce three episodes a week in a shorter format. We will test this format to see if it works for heavier content topics and how you all like it.


For instance, we are redoing our signature episode and breaking it up into short segments as long as I have self-control. (LOL our loud) That will come out soon. After that, for new listeners who are trying us out, we will republish all the segments on the same day, so the new listeners can take in as much of that episode as they need to get a flavor of the podcast.

I know it doesn't always sound like it, but there is a study that goes into the "heavier content" episodes. To stick to this schedule, we will alternate each week, or at the end of each series, typically Devotionals or other "lighter content." Prayerfully, this will allow for a thorough study of the "heavier content episodes."

In our nuts and bolts episodes will also include some new aspects of the ministry:

Our extra prayer encouragements.

1. Prayer journals, such as the "Foundational Blocks of Biblical Prayer." It is available on Amazon; just search for the title.

2. We will highlight why and how a prayer journal can help foster your prayer life.

3. We are in the process of creating a 2025 prayer journal right now; we will announce it in two weeks.

4. Wearables - No, not the tech kind! We have some t-shirts and other items to promote prayer. through graphics. You will be able to visit the website and get information on the products

Caution! One of the reasons I am doing the "Nuts and Bolts" episodes, well the two reasons,

1. To keep the main episodes short. The workings of the podcast should not impede our goal.

2. This is a faith-based ministry, and not to make money. We receive donations occasionally, even when I don't highlight the donation tab because money is not why we do the podcast. Our goal is to help as much as God ordains Christians in our prayer lives.

If I didn't use a journal system myself, I would not advocate their use.

The next, "Nuts and Bolts," discusses the advantages of using a journal, but not today.

Today, a thought occurred to me that I want to end with.

In his sermon titled "WhyPray?" Ligon Duncan tells us that no Bible character ever asks that question. None. I add that they believe in the Bible prayer, period.

Second I remembered John 21, at the end of the chapter, no need to go into more detail than this, Peter is asking Jesus about His will for the apostle John, and Jesus says,

"Jesus *said to him, "If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!"

In verse 22.

I said to myself today that I have asked all kinds of questions about prayer, doubtful questions at times and curious questions at other times.

Of all the questions one might have about prayer, our Master and Savior say, "What is that to you?" You follow Me," and that means pray.

Thank you for listening, brethren, let us obey.

Brethren, let's pray for one another.

"What a man is on his knees before God, that he is and nothing more""

Robert Murray M'Cheynee

Donation link:

Or go to and use the Donations tab.

Assistant Editor: Seven Jefferson Gossard.

Facebook - Free Range Preacher Ministries

Instagram: freerangeministries

All our Scripture quotes are drawn from the NASB 1977 edition.

For access to the Voice Over services of Richard Durrington, please visit or email him at

Our podcast art was designed by @sammmmmmmmm23 Instagram

Season 007

Episode 012


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