78 - Gangs, tattoos, hollywood , prison and sobriety with Freddy Negrete

Church & Other Drugs

10-06-2018 • 1時間 16分

Greetings congregation! John graces us with his presence as he and Jed discuss Kanye West taking 2c-b, we pay our respects to a C&OD guest who recently passed away as a result of the disease of alcoholism, talk Anthony Bordain's suicide and more. Then, we are blessed to have world-renown tattoo artist/author Freddy Negrete come on the show to tell his story of growing up in foster care, getting locked up , learning tattooing in prison and pioneering the 'black & grey' realism style of tattooing. Freddy has been a guest judge on Spike's 'Ink Master', and designed the tattoos for the blade trilogy and from dusk till dawn films, to name a few. Freddy has an amazing story, and I hope you all enjoy it. Freddy recently wrote a book 'Smile now, Cry later' that can be found anywhere books are sold. churchandotherdrugs.com churchandotherdrugs@gmail.com freddynegrete.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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