The Kingdom Professional Understands Their Schedule

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

30-09-2022 • 57分

To fulfill one’s assignment, it is essential that he or she would know that the assignment has an associated time constraint, i.e., a schedule. Psalm 90:12 says, “So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.” It means that we must ask God to help us properly manage time – a challenge for many professionals.

John’s ministry had to be in place, in full flow, by the time Jesus’ public Ministry was to begin. Shortly after Jesus’ Ministry begins, John’s would start to diminish and finally end. John’s ministry schedule overlapped with Jesus’ schedule. Therefore, John didn’t have long to fulfill his assignment. He had to grasp the importance of his schedule. If we, as Kingdom Professionals, do not manage time, time will master us. We will not achieve all that of which we are capable of. The deeper reality is that time management is self-management. Except for divine intervention, we can do nothing to affect the flow of time itself. Only God can control time. However, wisdom informs us that we may control ourselves and other factors with discipline relative to the passage of time: forethought, planning, and strategy.

We must understand that our assignments have a schedule. What a difference it would make in how we live and how we serve, professionally and wholistically, if we kept the consciousness before us that “I don’t have long.” The quality of our existence would be dramatically impacted if we understood how deeply everything we do is affected by the clock and the calendar.

New podcast episodes are available on Fridays everywhere you listen to podcasts. The Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals meets every Monday live with Michael A. Blue at 11:30 AM via Facebook and Youtube. Stay connected to all things Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals and connect to other Kingdom Professionals by joining our Facebook Group,


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