S2 E16 Ostara 2023

Powered By Magic

18-03-2023 • 13分


(Tatjana) Personal thoughts - a time after Imbolc when the friction from that time allows the breaking open of the shell to let new life begin. A great time to start putting your magic into its first throws of movement. Until now we’ve been working with setting the intention for the year but now it’s time to swing into action. How can we go about implementing our intention with initiative?

Balance - Equinox - heading into the light - Easter

(Sylvia) Personal thoughts- time of revival, rebirth, and resurrection

Christianity using the symbols and themes of pagan holidays.

Memory of an egg hunt using Nerf dart guns.

Leaving the shell of the seed to grow, i.e. leaving the old unneeded things


Last year S1 E19 Ostara - Break thru resistance using an egg

This year we can use the egg as a symbol again, however, we can use it for the action we would like to see started from our preconceived intention by hand painting it. Use colors that highlight your intention; draw pictures or a sigil, write words or whatever feels right to you onto the egg. Do not pre-cook the egg. Think about the action you wish to invoke as you are doing this. Maybe say a chant or words that embody your intention that you’ve been forming up until now raising a cone of power. Once you feel you have done all the magic you can and have raised the energy around it, take it and break it open. This is a symbol of moving from Imbolc’s energy to Ostara’s energy, embodying the freedom from the shell that has held our energy up until now as a sacred vessel. Then cook it up to be eaten, manifesting your action into motion by ingesting its energy..

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