Finding Order in Chaos, With my Neighbor Ed Lundin

Gospel Con Carne

17-07-2020 • 41分

There's a hot August day back in 2013 that is chiseled into the memory of Alan Graham and his guest on this episode of the Gospel Con Carne, Ed Lundin. During a hearing before the Travis County Commissioner's Court on August 13, 2013, Mobile Loaves & Fishes received its first site development permit for Community First! Village. At the time, Ed was volunteering at a local church while following his call to serve the homeless. After years of ministry and serving as an ordained Episcopal priest all over the country, Ed met Alan during this particular site development hearing, and later became one of the first Missional neighbors at Community First! Village with his wife Judy. Listen as Ed reflects on all of the diverse communities that he has served over the years, but none quite as deep and diverse as the one he currently calls home.


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