Judges 17

Between The Lines

5日前 • 11分

What is syncretism? It is something that happens in our society today, but what does scripture have to say about this? How does it affect our individual lives, families, and communities? Hit play and join Scott and Junior today in Judges 17 to unpack what this means for each of our lives today.

You can buy Junior’s book, The Manual: A Practical Guide to Manhood, on Amazon!! If you love Between The Lines, you will love the practical teaching that Junior gives in this book. If you’re a man, married to a man, raising boys, or dating a man, you have to buy this book. It will be life-changing.

Want to read along with the guys? Subscribe for our daily Bridge Reading Plan emails and get the daily text in your inbox every morning.

Today’s Lineup: Judges 17; Proverbs 9


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