Billy Hepper - Our New Co-host

Occult of Personality

02-12-2021 • 52分

Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m your host, Greg Kaminsky.

In episode number 212, we have a very special guest, my new co-host, Billy Hepper! Billy is a Freemason and lectures on Masonic topics. He hails from Vancouver, British Columbia, and has been a longtime listener and supporter of the podcast.

Billy also has skills in digital audio, and we share a love of specific esoteric studies, like Freemasonry, the Grail mythos, spiritual contemplation, and Tradition.

It’s been a few years since Rudolf and I parted ways and I have to admit that doing the podcast with a partner is a lot more fun. So, thankfully, Billy has agreed to join me here and we’re looking to make the podcast fresher, more energetic, and fun by doing what we do best. So, you can expect more excellent audio interviews with authors and experts in occultism and esotericism. But in this episode, I welcome Billy and we talk about our shared interests.

One of the topics Billy and I discussed is the book, Meditations on the Tarot, as it has had a significant impact on both of us. This text is subtitled A Journey into Christian Hermeticism, and it demonstrates a contemplative method for direct apperception of divine wisdom through the symbolism of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. We are forming a study circle for this book to go through it in depth. More details about the study circle are available in the recording of the initial meeting. That meeting and all future meetings will be recorded and made available for members in the Chamber of Reflection at After the interview, stay tuned for an important message about our new Meditations on the Tarot Study Circle.

The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos ( and the outro music is “Crypt of the Black Virgin” by our own Billy Hepper.

Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to, our membership site who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you again! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come. Although you may listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at, subscribing via Patreon at, or join us at! And if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past – my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!

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