HBW087: Jersey Garcia, Helping Women of Color Go from Pissed to Bliss

The Happy Black Woman Podcast

10-05-2017 • 38分

All of us experience emotional turmoil. And all of us have our own unique ways of dealing with it. We run. We perpetuate it through making passive-aggressive or overt comments, or we start retaliating. But how we NORMALLY respond isn't always the BEST way to respond. What’s the healthiest thing to do, the thing that will help you learn how to conquer your bad habits and blind spots when it comes to the emotional turmoil that will inevitably come? Today’s guest, Jersey Garcia, is focused on helping black women go from pissed to bliss. Find out more about how she can help you conquer your emotional turmoil.

What are the things others ask your advice about? That could be your area of gifting.

Jersey Garcia was working in a job that she enjoyed - and she liked making the contributions to the company that were part of her job description. But something began to happen that she didn’t expect. Her co-workers and even her supervisor began coming to her for help and advice about the emotional turmoil they were experiencing in their relationships. It became so common that she was asked to make sure that those conversations were happening on breaks or after hours. That’s when Jersey realized that she had a gift that needed to be used more broadly. You can learn to identify your gifts just as Jersey did by listening to her story, which she shared on this episode of Happy Black Woman.

Why are you in an emotional rut? Do you know?

Since all of us experience the tyranny of emotions from time to time, we know what it’s like to feel stuck in an emotional rut. But very few of us know how to go about figuring out WHY we are in that rut and what contributes to the stuck feeling we have. More importantly, what can we do to get out of it and stay out of it? Today’s guest is Jersey Garcia, a relationship coach who is eager to help you deal with the emotional turmoil and stress that enters your life. She not only wants to help you deal with it, she wants to help you learn how to conquer it once and for all. Interested? Find out more on this episode.

Are you the runner, the accomplice, or the fighter when emotional turmoil arises?

When an emotional conflict or tension erupts we all react in some way. Jersey Garcia has discovered three personas she likes to use to describe the ways that people tend to respond. They become the runner, the accomplice, or the fighter. On this episode, Rosetta and Jersey discuss what each of those responses does to contribute to the emotional turmoil being experienced and uncover ways that we can deal with emotional issues that are healthier and more beneficial to the people involved. It’s a powerful set of insights you won’t want to miss.

The emotional bond you share with friends prevents them from being good advice-givers.

Most of us confide in friends or family members when we are dealing with an emotionally charged situation. But Jersey Garcia points out that while the instinct to talk about the situation is good, our choice of people to talk with is often unwise. People who are close to you, including good friends, are often too emotionally connected to you to be appropriately objective. That can easily result in them giving you bad advice that doesn’t take both sides of the issue into consideration. On this episode, Rosetta points to that truth as a reason why all of us need a coach at times. You can find out more about it by listening.

Outline of this great episode

  • [0:29] Rosetta’s introduction of Jersey Garcia, today’s guest!
  • [1:32] Who Jersey is and what she does with her clients - and the road she’s traveled.
  • [7:20] How Jersey decided to become a relationship coach and what she offers clients.
  • [10:29] To begin moving out of the emotional train wreck you may be in.
  • [15:32] How do you respond when emotional turmoil arises?
  • [20:01] Why it’s vital to focus on what you DO want rather than what you don’t want.
  • [23:22] Why your best friend may not be the best person to get advice from.
  • [29:10] How Jersey stays balanced and in control of her own life and work.
  • [34:40] Jersey’s advice for new entrepreneurs: Make a decision and take action.

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode


Jersey is a positivity enthusiast, solution seeker, and wanna-be humorist who helps women of color move from pissed to blissed so they can gain the peace of mind, support, and balance they want in their relationships. She has served as a Coach since as far back as High School (more than 20 years ago) as she was the go to relationship mediator for distressed family members, friends and eventually colleagues and clients.

Jersey is a pre-licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator in the state of Florida. She has been featured in Parents Latina magazine, Radio Pangea FM, and conducts a Facebook Live Show - “La Tertulia de Familia" with her uncle discussing topics relevant to Families in Spanish. When she is not busy supporting her Coaching and Therapy clients, you can find her snuggling in her bed with the newest edition of the O Magazine, trying to convince her children that one more hour of cartoons will do them good.