一个普普通通的学生,四次参加考试,四次失败。失望之际,他接触到基督教。基督教里描绘的人人平等的社会让他心驰神往。多年之后,他建立自己的宗教。追随他的人数不断扩增,他打算建立国家,自己成为国王。他的名字叫洪秀全。他建立的国家叫太平天国。他想要推翻清朝,让所有中国人活在一个 “天下大同” 的世界里。这样的目标可能达到吗?
An ordinary student. He tried to pass an exam four times, and four times he failed. In despair, he was acquainted by the faith of Christianity. He was fascinated by what is depicted in the religion, a society where all men are equal. Years later, he founded his own religion, and when believers increased he decided to establish his own kingdom, where he was king. His name was Hong Xiuquan, and the kingdom was the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. The aim was to overthrow the Qing Dynasty, so that every Chinese would live equally under heaven. Is such a dream achievable?