364 Water Abundance: A Global Perspective on Water Technology and Treatment Options

Scaling UP! H2O

17-05-2024 • 1時間 2分

We have the technology to treat any type of water, so instead of focusing on 'water scarcity,' let's talk about 'water abundance'. - Walid Khoury

In the latest episode of the Scaling UP! H2O podcast, we explore how to shift the narrative from "Water Scarcity" to "Water Abundance" with returning guest Walid Khoury, President and CEO of Desalytics. Walid’s global perspective on water technology and treatment options provides invaluable insights for water professionals, industry owners, policymakers, and anyone interested in addressing global water challenges.

Here are five strategies Walid provides to guide your thinking from the challenges of water scarcity toward the possibilities of water abundance:

    1. Embrace Long-Term Thinking and Planning: When addressing water issues or exploring new opportunities, consider both the mid- and long-term impacts. This approach is especially crucial in developing markets where sustainable growth and solutions are essential.
    2. Collaborate with Private Industry, Politicians, and Individuals to Achieve SDG 6: While one person cannot change the world, thousands working toward a shared goal can. Walid discusses the vital role these groups play in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6), which aims to ensure safe and affordable drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene for all.
    3. Integrate Innovative Technologies: Embrace the innovative aspects of the water industry by implementing modern technologies and techniques. For instance, Hong Kong began using saltwater in toilets in the 1950s due to a scarcity of freshwater. Today, around 80% of toilets in Hong Kong use saltwater for flushing, which conserves fresh drinking water. Industrial water treaters can harness these advancements to enhance their practices and assist clients in achieving a "water positive" status, surpassing the goal of being "water-neutral."
    4. Advocate and Communicate Effectively: Promote water positivity by using language that raises awareness of the options available. Building connections and collaborating with local partners can help address local water challenges more effectively.
    5. Expand Your Global Understanding: Walid encourages industrial water treaters to expand their knowledge and experience beyond familiar markets by attending international water conferences and exploring global opportunities.

By tuning in to this one-hour episode, you will gain actionable insights and practical knowledge on how to contribute to water abundance, reshape water management strategies, and make a positive impact on both local and global scales. Walid’s involvement in the Water Positive Think Tank and his dedication to SDG 6 offers a roadmap for those looking to advance their careers and make a meaningful difference in the water industry.

Listen to "364 Water Abundance: A Global Perspective on Water Technology and Treatment Options" and discover how you can be part of the change toward a more sustainable and water-efficient future. Don't miss this opportunity to hear from one of the industry's most innovative and influential voices!


01:00 - Trace Blackmore invites you to participate in the Global 6K for Water

05:00 - Upcoming Events for Water Treatment Professionals

7:30 - Get to know Walid Khoury of Desalytics

22:00 - Interview with Walid Khoury on Water Abundance

57:40 - Drop by Drop with James McDonald

Quotes with interview timestamps:

“My biggest frustration in our industry is that we use the word ‘water scarcity’, but in today's age we have the technology to treat any type of water, so instead of water scarcity we should be talking about ‘water abundance’.” - Walid Khoury

"We need to shift the narrative: We have an abundance of water. The question is, how can we effectively use and consume it locally rather than sourcing it from afar?" - Walid Khoury

"We have access to a wealth of technologies; the key is in applying them effectively. This makes it an exceptional time to be in the water industry." - Walid Khoury

Connect with Walid Khoury:

Phone: +971 56 5362147

Email: walid.khoury@gmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/walidkhoury


Think Tank: https://www.linkedin.com/company/water_positive/

Vlog: walidkhoury.com

Links Mentioned

Scaling UP! H2O’s Free Legionella Resources Page

Upcoming Events for Water Professionals

May 18, 2024 The Global 6K for water

Episode 230 with Walid Khoury

2024 WEFTEC conference

The Rising Tide Mastermind

Scaling UP! H2O Academy video courses

Tools Mentioned

NALCO Water Handbook



Drop By Drop with James

Do you know what I like to do sometimes? Do you? I like to read the summary of methods and the interferences for water testing. I do! You should hang out at parties with me, I’m a real riot.  Anyway, there is a LOT to be learned by just reading these two sections of a test procedure. For example, did you know the FerroVer method for Total Iron “converts all soluble iron and most insoluble forms of iron in the sample to soluble ferrous iron?” Then the soluble ferrous iron reacts with 1-10 phenanthroline indicator to form an orange color in proportion to the concentration of iron in the sample? The summary said it converts “most insoluble forms of iron,” so right away, I could imagine exceptions to this caveat. Reading the interferences for the Total Iron test, I see that insoluble iron oxides in the sample may require a digestion to make them soluble. I also notice that molybdate at 50 mg/L has no effect on results, but what about over 50 mg/L? That’s where the FerroMo Method for Total Iron comes in. I learned all of that by just reading those two little sections of the test procedure. What else is out there waiting to be learned?

2024 Events for Water Professionals

Check out our Scaling UP! H2O Events Calendar where we’ve listed every event Water Treaters should be aware of by clicking HERE.