What Comes After Faith. (John 21: 1-25)

The Bible Project

15-08-2024 • 42分

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Episode Notes: "What Comes After Faith" (John 21:1-25)

Key Points and Summary:

  1. Core Message to the World:
    • If the entire world could hear one Christian message, it should be: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ."
  2. Core Message to Believers:
    • For those who have already trusted Jesus, the message should focus on assurance, prayer, Bible study, and evangelism.
    • John 21 provides a crucial message for believers: after faith comes the need to grow spiritually and serve others.
  3. Context of John 21:
    • John 20 concludes with the purpose of the Gospel: to believe that Jesus is the Christ and have life in His name.
    • John 21 serves as an epilogue, offering guidance for those who have come to faith.
  4. Miracle of the Large Catch of Fish (John 21:1-14):
    • Jesus appears to seven disciples at the Sea of Galilee. The disciples, return to fishing but catch nothing until Jesus instructs them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat.
  5. Spiritual Nourishment and Growth:
    • Just as Jesus provided physical food, He provides spiritual nourishment through His Word.
    • Believers need to actively engage with the Word of God to grow spiritually, akin to digging for gold or learning to eat properly.
  6. Peter's Reinstatement and Mandate (John 21:15-19):
    • Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him, paralleling Peter's three denials.
    • Each time Peter affirms his love, Jesus commands him to "Feed my lambs," "Tend my sheep," and "Feed my sheep," indicating pastoral care and spiritual leadership.
  7. Focus on Personal Calling (John 21:20-25):
    • Peter's concern about John's fate prompts Jesus to emphasize focusing on one's own calling: "Follow me."
    • Comparing oneself to others can lead to distraction and dissatisfaction; believers should focus on their unique journey with God.
  8. Key Lessons:
    • Avoid Comparisons: Each believer's journey and trials are unique. Focus on your relationship with God rather than comparing yourself to others.
    • Feed on the Word: Engage deeply with Scripture to grow spiritually and be equipped to serve and teach others.
  9. Final Reflections:
    • Spiritual growth requires consistent engagement with the Word of God and applying it in life.
    • Satisfaction and blessing come from focusing on Jesus and fulfilling His calling for us, not from comparing ourselves to others.

Practical Applications:

  • Daily Bible Study: Make a habit of reading and meditating on Scripture to nourish your spiritual life.
  • Spiritual Responsibility: Take an active role in feeding others spiritually, whether through teaching, mentoring, or serving in your community.
  • Personal Focus: Concentrate on your personal walk with God and the tasks He has given you, rather than getting distracted by others' journ

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