SE 1: Therapy? Are You Nuts?

The Soul Enchilada

04-11-2022 • 24分

We women are pretty good at getting help with the things we need. Car broken down? We call a mechanic… Gallbladder acting up? We call a doctor… Lost? We ask for directions…

But when it comes to our emotional health, many of us choose to hold it in and try to push through alone.

This week, we tackle the question: “Why are so many Christian women skeptical about therapy?”

Enjoy the podcast. If you want to share it with friends or your small group, here are some questions you can talk over afterwards:

1. When you were growing up, did your family keep secrets? If so, why do you think they did?

2. What attitudes about therapy did you grow up hearing &/or believing?

3. Do you have a "band of sisters" to be real, raw, and relevant with?

4. What makes a small group or friendship feel safe to you? 5. Who can you invite to join this podcast?

Thanks for listening! Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE the podcast.

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