Classic Radio for June 11, 2024 - The American Kremlin, Sledgehammer Handicap, and a Disappearing Plane

Classic Radio Theater with Wyatt Cox

11-06-2024 • 2時間 24分

2+ Hours of Crime

First a look at this day in History.

Then I was a Communist for the FBI starring Dana Andrews, originally broadcast June 11, 1952, 72 years ago, The American Kremlin.  After seeing a dead body at Party headquarters, Cvetic is sent to New York to subvert a labor union. Cvetic is accused of being an FBI spy by a clever fat man.

Followed by Gangbusters, originally broadcast June 11, 1949, 75 years ago, The Case of the  Sledgehammer Handicap. Robbie Bertram has broken out of jail and has returned to his horse-playing girlfriend.

Then Boston Blackie starring Dick Kollmar, originally broadcast June 11, 1946, 78 years ago, The Disappearing Plane. Blackie flies back from Boston with evidence about a murder case. The plane disappears.

Followed by Calling All Cars, originally broadcast June 11, 1935, 89 years ago, Hot Bonds. Stolen "Liberty Bonds" are being "unloaded" for Pretty Boy Floyd's gang. Floyd himself had died only a few months before this broadcast.

Finally Superman, originally broadcast June 11, 1941, 83 years ago, Dr Deutch and the Radium Mine.    Dr. Deutch tries to smother Dr. Browning, Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen. Superman rescues his friends with the help of "Storm," Jimmy's dog.

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