Modern Day Sorcery with Jason Miller : Magick & Witchcraft Podcast

Magick and Witchcraft

31-07-2022 • 58分

This time we will be talking with  my guest Jason Miller about what it takes to be a sorcerer in 21.century  - days with technology and new challenges that magician has to face -  challenges he or she never had to face before...

Jason Miller  (Inominandum) has devoted nearly 30 years to studying practical magic in  its many forms. He is the author of Protection and Reversal Magick, The  Sorcerer’s Secrets, Sex Sorcery and Spirit, and Financial Sorcery. He  also runs the Strategic Sorcery Training Course, Take Back Your Mind  Program, and The Sorcery of Hekate Program. He lives with his wife and  children in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Find out more at


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