Hallelujah! Holy Shit! Where's the Tylenol?
We don't know what to say, but it's the Holiday Season of 2020, and we're all in misery. This has been a year. It’s been the type of year where if we woke up tomorrow with our heads sewn to the carpet, we wouldn't be surprised. So let’s bring in some Christmas cheer in episode 24 as the Dudes discuss our favorite Christmas movies. Maybe even drink a beer or two, or three. And hey, if any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for the Dudes, we have one.
We’d like the year 2020 brought here with a big ribbon on their head, and we want to look them straight in the eye and tell them what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit they have been! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?