EP 403: The Apple's Rotten Right To The Core
And we're back! This week, Love Me gets a trailer, ColourPop teases its New Moon collection, and poor Jeremy can't stop losing people close to him in The Vampire Diaries. We are reshaping what our Patreon looks like in the future, and we want your feeback! We are offering a select number of free month memberships to listeners who send us a 5 star review of the show to intothetwilightshow@gmail.com. You can also make your voice heard on our free poll at patreon.com/intothetwilight. Next week: The Vampire Diaries S3:E21 Send us a fanfiction, a Twilight/TVD backstory, etc: intothetwilightshow@gmail.comGet monthly bonus episodes on Patreon: patreon.com/intothetwilightShop our merch: bit.ly/ITTSHOPRate and review us on Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/ittunesDownload episode transcripts: bit.ly/ITTtranscripts Where to find us: Ally: twitter.com/manyarethestarsCody: twitter.com/codycorrallMusic by Eli Krauss: twitter.com/elisourkraussArt by Maddie Padilla: instagram.com/theartofmaddiep