The Hero Of Your Own Story: Axel Alonso

The MICK Show

14-10-2020 • 36分

This year has shown us that - even in a pandemic - imagination reigns supreme.

Comic books have inspired billions of dollars in pop culture currency, but they're also a force for change and diversity. Mick sat down with Axel Alonso, the CCO of AWA Studios (and former Marvel Editor-In-Chief!), to discuss why diversity works wonders on the paneled page, and how hip-hop and comics have always been tied together. "It’s very important to me that readers of all types can see their reflection in the characters. We want to speak to the human condition.”- Axel. In addition, they discuss the various bold risks that Axel took to create his dream career.

--- Follow Axel on Twitter: @axelalonsomarv ---

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