Justice League: This animated series that packs more compelling tales than modern superhero films
Justice League is widely regarded as one of the greatest American animated shows of all time, a sharp contrast to the ill-fated 2017 film adaptation which was dismissed by fans and critics alike at the time of release. The animated series, although originally intended for children, features mature socio-political themes focusing on freewill, imperialism, authoritarianism, and class disparity. It also explored various scientific theories such as ‘wormholes’ in some of the episodes that focused on science fiction. On the surface, the series might give one the impression of being just another animated series produced essentially for children. However, just like Batman the Animated Series, Justice League is rich with subtext featuring philosophical undertones. Some of the stories have also gone on to inspire Marvel’s films and TV shows. For instance, the MCU TV series WandaVision may have been marketed as a loose adaptation of the iconic Marvel comic book House of M, but the TV show’s similarity to the storyline in Justice League episodes 16 and 17 titled Legends is undeniable. Similarly, time-travelling superheroes were introduced to the mainstream consciousness by Justice League long before Avengers: Endgame.