Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

David Ralph of Join Up Dots

Are you an entrepreneur who needs the right mindset, motivation and confidence. Hell we all need confidence as its the key to everything in life, and very few entrepreneurs, solopreneurs or just people who are rocking and rolling have this naturally, even though it may seem like a god given gift. Whether you want an amazing online income, entrepreneur success, more money than you could dream off, freedom, love, sex, or even a huge promotion at work confidence will make it happen. And we will show you how to get it - BIGTIME! Having the confidence to go after it, and the mindset to make it happen is demonstrated in every episode of the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots through the startup stories, struggles, honest conversations and training and coaching. Ready to rock your life? read less


LISTENER PROBLEM: Feeling Unfulfilled Despite Achieving My Goals (Part Three)
LISTENER PROBLEM: Feeling Unfulfilled Despite Achieving My Goals (Part Three)
LISTENER PROBLEM: Feeling Unfulfilled Despite Achieving My Goals (Part Three In this episode of *Join Up Dots*, we delve into the profound experience many successful individuals face after reaching the pinnacle of their careers or financial goals: the unsettling feeling of emptiness and the loss of that once-burning spark of motivation. You may have spent years, maybe even decades, striving toward a vision of success that involved financial independence, freedom from the daily grind, or the accomplishment of a lifelong dream. But what happens when you finally get there and realize that the victory feels hollow? We’re joined by listeners from all corners of the globe who have bravely shared their stories of this very struggle. These stories are deeply personal, yet strikingly universal, highlighting a common challenge faced by those who have “made it” in life, only to find themselves asking, “What now?” Emma from Fitzroy, Melbourne, opens up about how she spent years building her business with the dream of financial independence as her ultimate goal. When she finally reached it, the fire that once fueled her drive seemed to vanish. She spent months trying to reignite that old spark, believing that she just needed to push harder. But as she listened to this podcast and heard the powerful quote, “If you’re searching for the spark you used to have, maybe you’ve used it up,” Emma had a realization. Instead of trying to revive an old flame, she decided to search for a new one—a different kind of passion that could bring her fulfillment in this new phase of her life. Carlos from Lapa, Rio de Janeiro, shares a similar story. After building a successful tech company and achieving the financial freedom he dreamed of, he felt disconnected and lost. That same drive that once pushed him to work 80-hour weeks had disappeared, leaving a void he couldn’t seem to fill. Carlos’ story is a reminder that the journey often holds more meaning than the destination. Upon hearing the quote about using up your spark, he began to consider the possibility that it’s time to discover a new passion—something entirely different that could bring joy and purpose back into his life. Aisha from Clifton, Karachi, takes us through her own journey of climbing the corporate ladder and securing a level of financial security she had always aspired to. Yet, after reaching the summit of her professional life, she found herself feeling empty. The spark that once drove her to excel had faded, leaving her questioning her next steps. The podcast made her realize that perhaps the spark that got her to this point isn’t the one that will carry her forward. Aisha’s story is a powerful example of how success can sometimes be a double-edged sword—fulfilling in one sense but leaving us searching for new meaning once the initial goals are achieved. In Newlands, Cape Town, Oliver shares how he, too, felt adrift after reaching financial success. He spent years building his career, and when he finally achieved the freedom he had always wanted, he was surprised to find that the excitement was gone. The podcast helped Oliver see that the energy and passion that drove him in the past might not be what he needs now. Instead of trying to reclaim that old spark, he has started looking for new ways to find fulfillment, like mentoring young professionals—a role that has begun to reignite his sense of purpose. Priya from Juhu, Mumbai, echoes these sentiments. After reaching financial independence, she found herself in a place of confusion and emptiness. The work that once filled her with drive and ambition no longer held the same appeal. Hearing the quote about using up your spark made Priya realize that it’s time to move on from her past motivations and seek out new creative pursuits. This shift in perspective has started to light a new fire within her, one that she hadn’t anticipated but is now excited to explore. Mark from Mission Bay, Auckland, also shares his story of early retirement after selling his business. What he thought would be a time of peace and happiness instead became a period of searching for meaning. Mark found himself missing the daily challenges and the sense of purpose that came with running his business. The podcast’s discussion about using up your old spark resonated with him deeply, making him realize that it’s okay to leave the past behind and seek out new passions. He’s now exploring volunteer work, something that has begun to bring back a sense of fulfillment he had been missing. These stories from Emma, Carlos, Aisha, Oliver, Priya, and Mark illustrate a powerful truth: the goals that once drove us can only take us so far. When we reach them, it’s natural to feel a sense of loss, as if the fire that once burned so brightly has gone out. But this doesn’t mean the journey is over. It simply means it’s time to find a new spark—a different kind of passion that aligns with where we are in life now. This episode of *Join Up Dots* is not just about recognizing the challenges that come with success, but also about embracing the opportunity to reinvent ourselves and discover new sources of joy and purpose. It’s a reminder that the journey never truly ends; it just changes direction. If these stories resonate with you, or if you’ve been struggling with similar feelings after reaching your own milestones, we encourage you to join the conversation. Share your thoughts and experiences using the hashtags #JoinUpDots #FindingNewPurpose #LifeAfterSuccess. We’d love to hear from you and continue this important discussion. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Your feedback helps us reach more people and continue bringing you valuable content. See you in the next episode!
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: Productivity Introducing Carson Tate Carson Tate is todays guest on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. She is the founder and managing partner of Working Simply, Inc., a business consulting firm that partners with organizations, business leaders and employees to enhance workplace productivity, foster employee engagement, and build personal and professional legacies. Working Simply has served leading global brands, including AbbVie, Delta Airlines, Deloitte, FedEx, Wells Fargo, Chick-fil-A, and Lowe’s.  The author of the best-selling,, Carson Tate Work Simply: Embracing the Power of Your Personal Productivity Style [Penguin Portfolio, 2015], her newest title, Own It. Love It. Make It Work. [McGraw-Hill] and its companion workbook of the same name, was released in October 2020.  Carson’s views have been included in top-tier media including Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, CBS Money Watch, Fast Company, Forbes, Harvard Business Review blog, The New York Times, USA Today, Working Mother and more. How The Dots Joined Up For Carson As she says "For the past 15 years, I have worked with organizations of all sizes around the world to help them improve the engagement of their employees, the productivity of their workforces, and the efficacy of their leadership. Based on everything I’ve learned from the thousands of people I’ve taught and trained, mentored and coached, I know in my heart that one thing is true: Our work is meant to be a full expression of who we are. It is meant to make us happy. Make our hearts sing. Challenge and empower us, and expand our intellectual, emotional and spiritual lives. So why is it that when jobs in essence should be who we are and what we do best, do so many people struggle to see what's right in front of them? And where does she see the office environment heading as move forward and out of the pandemic issues of 2020? Back to how they were or simply a connection of remote workers sitting behind technology? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to join up dots with the one and only Carson Tate Show Highlights During todays show we discussed such weighty subjects with Carson Tate: Why so many people are unwilling to allow the world to take over the boring though meaningful tasks every business has.  Carson talks openly about the "bumpy " ground that business endure unless you have solid processes in place. Carson shares how the quickest way to change a business is simply to master the whole inbox terror we all deal with. and lastly....... Why it is so good to work for a free at the beginning to get proof of concept but dont make it last too long.
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: You Were Born Not To Suffer
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: You Were Born Not To Suffer
BUSINESS INTERVIEW: You Were Born Not To Suffer Blake D Bauer is today’s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is the author of the international bestselling book You Were Not Born To Suffer. Each year he helps thousands of people who cannot find effective support from conventional psychology, medicine, or religion. As we see time and time again in Join Up Dots, the life that you are leading will always head you to the life that you will lead. For the dots become experiences and those can either shape you and drive you to huge success, or for many be weights around their necks. Today's guest is someone quite different. How The Dots Joined Up For Blake As he says "I was not aware of it at the time built as a young man I suffered very deeply in myself, mostly mentally and emotionally, but also physically at times. In my attempts to run from both my internal struggles and the challenging situations around me, I unintentionally created a great deal of suffering for myself. By the time i was 18 years old I had set in motion a domino effect that caused my already unstable world to crumble. I had been suspended from high school on three different occasions.  I was selling drugs and had been arrested for drug possession multiple times. Things were not in a good place for sure, but now Blake is a world-renowned teacher and speaker with an extensive background in psychology, alternative medicine, nutrition, traditional healing, and mindfulness meditation. Based on both his personal experience overcoming deep suffering, addiction, and adversity, as well as his professional success with over 100,000 people worldwide. His pioneering work integrates what he’s found to be the most effective approaches to optimal mental, emotional, and physical health. So how does someone find themselves in such a sticky point in life, but still have the courage and focus to change track so dramatically? And with all the thousands of people that he has worked with. is there a common theme that we can nip in the bud on today's show? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Blake D Bauer
GET WEALTHY COURSE: Set Your Objectives and Decide What You Want. (Episode 3)
GET WEALTHY COURSE: Set Your Objectives and Decide What You Want. (Episode 3)
GET WEALTHY COURSE: Set Your Objectives and Decide What You Want. Welcome back to another transformative episode of Join Up Dots, the podcast that connects the dots to help you achieve your financial dreams and create a life of abundance. Today, we delve into Rule 3 from Richard Templar's compelling book, "The Rules of Wealth": Set Your Objectives and Decide What You Want. Setting objectives is crucial to any financial journey. Without clear goals, your efforts can become scattered and unproductive, like embarking on a road trip without a map or destination. Clear objectives not only provide direction but also serve as a source of motivation, helping you stay focused and make informed decisions. To begin, it's important to identify what you truly want. This requires deep introspection. Consider various aspects of your life—career, lifestyle, relationships, and personal growth—and how your financial goals align with these areas. For instance, if your dream is to travel the world, your financial objectives should support this lifestyle. Specificity is key when setting your objectives. Vague goals like "I want to be rich" are ineffective. Instead, aim for clear, measurable targets, such as "I want to save $50,000 in the next three years" or "I want to invest in real estate to generate a passive income of $5,000 per month within five years." These specific objectives provide a clear endpoint and make it easier to track your progress, helping you develop a detailed action plan. Breaking down your objectives into smaller, actionable steps is essential. This process transforms daunting goals into manageable tasks. Set short-term, medium-term, and long-term objectives. Short-term goals might include saving a specific amount each month or paying off a particular debt. Medium-term goals could involve building an emergency fund or investing in new skills. Long-term goals might include buying a home, retiring early, or achieving financial independence. Each small step you take brings you closer to your larger goals. Celebrate your progress along the way, recognizing that every achievement, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. Anticipating and overcoming obstacles is also crucial. Procrastination and doubt are common challenges. To combat procrastination, set deadlines for each step of your plan and hold yourself accountable. Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and tackle them one at a time. Embrace a growth mindset, viewing setbacks as learning opportunities. Seek support from mentors, peers, or financial advisors to stay motivated and on track. Accountability plays a vital role in achieving your objectives. When you share your goals with others, you're more likely to stay committed. Consider partnering with a friend or joining a mastermind group where members support and hold each other accountable. Regularly review your progress and adjust your plan as needed. Celebrate your successes and learn from your setbacks. Visualization is a powerful tool in achieving your objectives. Picture yourself achieving your financial goals and experiencing the benefits of your success. This mental image reinforces your commitment and keeps you motivated. Create a vision board or write a detailed description of your ideal future. Include images, words, and phrases that represent your goals and aspirations. Place your vision board or description somewhere you'll see it daily, reminding yourself of your objectives and the rewards of achieving them. Creating an action plan is the final step in setting your objectives. Define your objectives clearly, ensuring they are specific, measurable, and time-bound. Break down your goals into short-term, medium-term, and long-term objectives, identifying the steps needed to achieve each one. Assign deadlines to each step of your plan to create a sense of urgency and help you stay on track. Regularly review your progress, seek support from others, and use visualization techniques to stay motivated. By following these steps, you can transform your financial future. Setting clear objectives and deciding what you want is the first step towards creating wealth and achieving financial freedom. Remember, every journey begins with a single step, and each step brings you closer to your goals. That's a wrap on today's episode of Join Up Dots! Setting your objectives and deciding what you want is the first step towards creating wealth and achieving financial freedom. By clearly defining your goals, breaking them down into actionable steps, and staying accountable, you can transform your financial future. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Your feedback helps us reach more people and continue bringing you valuable content. Share your thoughts on social media using the hashtag #JoinUpDots and let us know how you're setting and achieving your financial goals. See you in the next episode!