Business of Tech: Daily 10-Minute IT Services Insights

MSP Radio

In 10 minutes daily, The Business of Tech delivers the latest IT services and MSP-focused news and commentary. Curated to stories that matter with commentary answering 'Why Do We Care?', channel veteran Dave Sobel brings you up to speed and provides resources to go deeper. With insights and analysis, this focused podcast focuses on the knowledge you need to be effective, profitable, and relevant. read less


Quality Assurance in Software: Lessons from the CrowdStrike Incident with Ryan Morris
Quality Assurance in Software: Lessons from the CrowdStrike Incident with Ryan Morris
Dave Sobel and channel expert Ryan Morris discuss the aftermath of the CrowdStrike incident and the importance of focusing on software quality in the tech industry. They emphasize the need for technology vendors to prioritize reliability, stability, security, and manageability in their products to prevent future outages and vulnerabilities. The conversation highlights the role of MSPs and channel companies in ensuring that the technology they offer is reliable and professionally supported, ultimately benefiting both the vendors and the end-users. Ryan Morris emphasizes the importance of channel partners choosing vendors based on the quality and reliability of their products, rather than just the latest features or pricing. He stresses the need for vendors to take responsibility for the quality of their software and provide effective support to channel partners in case of issues. The discussion also touches on the significance of industry-wide initiatives like the "secure by design" pledge to promote software quality and security across the tech ecosystem. The conversation shifts to the impact of AI on IT careers, with both Dave and Ryan expressing optimism about AI's role in enhancing human capabilities rather than replacing jobs. They discuss the importance of leveraging AI as a tool to make professionals more productive and efficient in their roles. Additionally, Dave clarifies his approach to selecting tools for an MSP business, focusing on compatibility with modern API-driven interfaces and the importance of selecting tools that align with the business's long-term goals. The episode concludes with a preview of an upcoming interview with Srini Koushik of Rackspace, where he discusses Rackspace's AI framework and their focus on responsible AI implementation. The conversation highlights Rackspace's commitment to symbiotic, secure, and sustainable AI solutions, emphasizing the importance of responsible AI practices in the tech industry. Supported by:    All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
CrowdStrike Outage Fallout, North Korean Hacks Cyber Firm, Digital Twins, Cloud Security
CrowdStrike Outage Fallout, North Korean Hacks Cyber Firm, Digital Twins, Cloud Security
We discuss the aftermath of CrowdStrike's software update crash, which cost Fortune 500 companies an estimated $5.4 billion. The update caused widespread disruptions, particularly in the aviation, healthcare, and banking sectors. CrowdStrike is working on improving their testing policies and deployment strategies to prevent similar incidents in the future. The fallout from the crash has led to investigations by the Department of Transportation and calls for congressional hearings.Another highlight of the episode is the revelation that a North Korean threat actor infiltrated a cybersecurity firm by posing as a remote worker using a stolen identity. This incident underscores the importance of robust vetting processes and continuous security monitoring in organizations. The need for enhanced security measures to detect and prevent such attacks is emphasized, as the threat landscape continues to evolve.The episode also delves into the concept of digital twins, virtual likenesses used for research purposes, and their potential applications in various industries. The market for digital twins is expected to grow significantly, with healthcare driving its growth. Additionally, the discussion touches on the importance of strategic AI integration and scenario planning to prepare for the future of AI technology.Lastly, the episode explores the challenges faced by the shared responsibility model in cloud computing security. As sophisticated threats and automated attacks strain the traditional model, cloud providers are urged to take on more responsibility to protect their customers. The need for industry-wide improvements in security practices and the importance of incorporating AI into strategic planning processes are highlighted throughout the episode. Three things to know today00:00 CrowdStrike's Crash Costs Billions: Aviation Disruptions, Congressional Hearings, and New Testing Policies05:51 Identity Theft and AI: How a North Korean Hacker Infiltrated a Cybersecurity Firm06:39 Strategic AI Integration: Digital Twins, Scenario Planning, and Evolving Cloud Security Models for Future Success  Supported by:    All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Cybersecurity & Ransom Payments, Open Source Mandate, , Google's Cookie Reversal, AI Advancements
Cybersecurity & Ransom Payments, Open Source Mandate, , Google's Cookie Reversal, AI Advancements
The episode begins with a discussion on a vulnerability in Microsoft's Windows Hello for Business authentication model, which has been found to be susceptible to downgrade attacks. Microsoft has released a fix for this issue to enhance security measures. Additionally, the episode highlights AT&T's decision to pay a ransom to prevent the exposure of stolen call records, shedding light on the prevalent trend of companies paying ransoms after cyber attacks.The episode also delves into Switzerland's groundbreaking law, mandating the use of open-source software in the public sector to promote transparency and security. Furthermore, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has published a playbook for resilience planning in critical infrastructure, emphasizing the importance of enhancing security measures and minimizing the impact of cyber attacks. The episode also discusses leadership changes at CISA, with Brandon Wales stepping down as the executive director and Bridget Bean set to take over in August.In the realm of technology, Google's reversal of its plan to drop support for third-party cookies in Chrome is highlighted, with the introduction of the Privacy Sandbox as an alternative. The episode also explores advancements in AI technology, such as OpenAI's Instruction Hierarchy technique to prevent AI models from being misled and Meta's release of LLAMA 3.1, an open-source AI model with significant parameters. The discussion touches on the growing adoption of generative AI in businesses and the importance of addressing bias and fairness in AI models.Concluding the episode, Dave Sobel emphasizes the significance of strategic decision-making in cybersecurity, advising against paying ransoms and advocating for unique approaches like Switzerland's open-source mandate. The episode underscores the evolving landscape of technology and the need for businesses to adapt to changing trends and security measures. Three things to know today00:00 Cybersecurity in Focus: Windows Hello Fix, AT&T Ransom, Swiss Open-Source Law, and CISA Leadership Changes04:51 Google Reverses Third-Party Cookie Phase-Out: What It Means05:45 OpenAI and Meta's Latest Advances: Instruction Hierarchy, Llama 3.1, and the Business Implications  Supported by:    All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Global IT Spending Surge, Meta's Regulatory Showdown, Legacy Tech Upgrades, and NATO Cyber Defense
Global IT Spending Surge, Meta's Regulatory Showdown, Legacy Tech Upgrades, and NATO Cyber Defense
Global IT spending is projected to surge by 7.5% in 2024, driven by increased demand for data center systems and IT services, particularly generative AI. The growth forecast highlights the sustained demand for managed services and cloud solutions, indicating a shift towards comprehensive IT management solutions offered by MSPs.Secondly, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, is facing a regulatory showdown in the EU as it withholds its new multimodal AI model from European customers due to regulatory uncertainties. This decision reflects a broader trend among U.S. tech giants to withhold products from European markets, raising concerns about data privacy and compliance with GDPR regulations. The move underscores the challenges tech companies face in navigating complex regulatory landscapes across different regions.Thirdly, the podcast delves into the impact of legacy tech upgrades on businesses, with the average company spending $2.9 million on maintaining and upgrading outdated systems. Legacy systems pose challenges for implementing emerging technologies like AI, impacting productivity and hindering innovation. The episode emphasizes the importance of modernization roadmaps and cloud migration strategies to help businesses transition to more agile and scalable IT infrastructures.Lastly, the episode touches on NATO's plans to establish a new cyber defense center in Belgium to protect allied cyberspace operations. This initiative comes in response to the rise in politically motivated cyber attacks since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, highlighting the growing importance of cybersecurity in the geopolitical landscape. The establishment of the NATO Integrated Cyber Defense Center underscores the evolving nature of cyber warfare and the need for collective resilience and defense strategies in the digital age. Three things to know today 00:00 Global IT Spending to Surge by 7.5% in 2024, Driven by Data Center Systems and IT Services04:19 Meta's Regulatory Showdown: EU Customers Denied Access to New Multimodal AI Model07:25 Legacy Tech Upgrades Costing Businesses Millions, Hindering AI Adoption and Productivity  All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
The CrowdStrike Incident: What Happened & Software Quality Concerns, SolarWinds Lawsuit
The CrowdStrike Incident: What Happened & Software Quality Concerns, SolarWinds Lawsuit
CrowdStrike released a software update that caused Windows machines to enter a boot loop, impacting around 8.5 million devices globally. The CEO of CrowdStrike issued an apology for the incident, highlighting the need for software vendors to prioritize quality and minimize flaws in their products. The aftermath of the incident raises questions about the trade-offs between efficiency and reliability in the tech industry. The second incident discussed is the dismissal of most of the Security and Exchange Commission's lawsuit against SolarWinds. The lawsuit accused SolarWinds of concealing security weaknesses before and after a cyberattack linked to Russia. The ruling is seen as a positive development for CISOs and IT leaders facing legal scrutiny after cyber attacks, but it also raises concerns about the lack of responsibility assumed by software vendors in such cases. The episode emphasizes the need for software manufacturers to take responsibility for the reliability and security of their products. Two things to know today00:00 We have to talk about Friday’s Crowdstrike incident to discuss where we go from here09:08 Judge dismisses case by SEC against SolarWinds   Supported by:  All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Predicting Employee Turnover with AI Data Analytics with Tyler Hochman
Predicting Employee Turnover with AI Data Analytics with Tyler Hochman
Tyler Hochman, CEO of FORE Enterprise, discusses their AI workforce analytics platform that predicts employee turnover before employees themselves are aware of their intentions to leave. The technology utilizes a combination of external and internal data sources to create predictive models on both aggregate and individual levels. External data sources include census information, demographics, and economic trends, while internal data encompasses employee performance metrics like utilization and schedule adherence.Hochman highlights the importance of data organization and structuring for effective data analytics, emphasizing that manual data structuring can be cost-effective for small-scale operations. However, as organizations grow beyond a certain size, automation becomes more efficient. The discussion also delves into the privacy considerations surrounding employee data collection, with Hochman emphasizing the need to respect employees' existing understanding of performance tracking metrics.The conversation shifts to actionable insights derived from the predictive analytics, with Hochman identifying key factors that indicate employee turnover. For highly utilized employees, burnout, competitor risk, and upward mobility within the organization are significant predictors. In contrast, low-utilized employees may leave due to factors such as team composition, communication issues, and skills mismatch. Hochman stresses the importance of targeted intervention strategies tailored to the specific reasons driving employee turnover.In conclusion, Hochman underscores the value of leveraging AI and machine learning techniques in data analytics pipelines to handle large volumes of data efficiently. By streamlining data acquisition, structuring, and analysis processes, organizations can gain valuable insights to optimize workforce retention strategies. The episode provides practical insights into utilizing data analytics to forecast employee turnover and implement targeted interventions for improved employee retention. Supported by:   All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Starting an MSP in 2024: Productivity, Data Management, AI Predictions: Live Show, 17 July 2024
Starting an MSP in 2024: Productivity, Data Management, AI Predictions: Live Show, 17 July 2024
ost Dave Sobel delves into the question of how he would start a managed services provider (MSP) today. He emphasizes the importance of not solely focusing on monthly recurring revenue but also considering other revenue sources like project work and product gross margin. Sobel highlights the need for MSPs to run efficient operations and maximize service gross margins to ensure profitability. He stresses the significance of providing valuable insights and advice to customers to enhance their businesses through technology. Sobel introduces a new perspective on starting an MSP in 2024 by emphasizing the importance of data management and governance. He discusses the necessity of organizing and managing data effectively to reduce cyber risks, ensure compliance, and prepare for artificial intelligence integration. Sobel suggests that understanding and preparing data for analysis is crucial for empowering businesses and driving better business outcomes. He encourages leveraging existing frameworks and structures to assist customers in preparing for the future of AI. The episode features insights from industry experts like Peter Kujawa and Yasser Ali, who discuss the importance of maximizing service gross margins and addressing data security concerns in the context of AI governance. Sobel also previews an upcoming interview with Tyler Hockman, CEO of 4Enterprise, who discusses using AI to predict employee turnover based on internal and external data sources. The episode concludes with Sobel inviting audience participation and feedback, encouraging listeners to share their thoughts on the evolving landscape of MSPs and the role of data management in driving business value. Overall, the episode provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of MSPs in 2024, emphasizing the importance of diversifying revenue streams, focusing on data management, and preparing for the integration of AI technologies. Sobel's discussions with industry experts and previews of upcoming interviews offer a comprehensive view of the challenges and opportunities facing MSPs today. The episode serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the key considerations for starting and growing a successful MSP in the rapidly changing technology landscape. Supported by:   All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Mistral, OpenAI, AWS & MSFT AI updates, Windows Updates, and Managed Services As Software
Mistral, OpenAI, AWS & MSFT AI updates, Windows Updates, and Managed Services As Software
Mistral launched CodeStrollMamba and MathStroll, outperforming open-source models. OpenAI released GPT-4.0 Mini, a cost-efficient AI model, while Microsoft introduced Spreadsheet LLM for spreadsheet analysis. AWS unveiled AWS AppStudio for creating enterprise applications effortlessly.Microsoft's checkpoint cumulative updates for Windows 11 aim to deliver smaller, faster updates through periodic cumulative updates and incremental binary differentials. The change is expected to reduce the size of monthly updates significantly. The episode also discussed a bug resolution impacting Windows Update automation scripts on Windows 11 systems. Admins can expedite the fix process through Known Issue Rollback and Group Policy setup.The episode delved into the concept of managed service as software, emphasizing AI-powered services with high margins. It explored the evolution of managed services providers (MSPs) and the need for continual innovation to meet customer expectations. The discussion extended to the challenges of governing AI in government projects, highlighting the limitations faced by state governments in controlling generative artificial intelligence.In closing, the episode encouraged learning from failed IT projects, aligning with business strategy, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. It also touched on the transformation of MSPs over the years and the importance of talent acquisition, automation, and regulatory compliance. Three things to know today 00:00 AI Landscape Update: Mistral, OpenAI, Microsoft, and AWS Drive Innovation with Specialized Models03:51 Microsoft Introduces 'Checkpoint Cumulative Updates' for Faster, Smaller Windows 11 Updates05:29 Managed-Service-as-Software: Leveraging AI for Scalable, High-Margin Service Delivery  Supported by:    All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
AI Adoption Challenges, Cybersec Funding, Overtime Rules, Net Neutrality, Apple Vision Pro Sales
AI Adoption Challenges, Cybersec Funding, Overtime Rules, Net Neutrality, Apple Vision Pro Sales
We highlight the low adoption rate of enterprise-wide AI plans, with only 17% of businesses actively discussing and implementing AI strategies. The need for more robust strategic frameworks to integrate AI effectively is emphasized, as early adopters with clear plans stand to gain a competitive edge in the market.The episode also covers updates on cybersecurity measures, with the White House urging federal agencies to request additional funding for enhancing the nation's cybersecurity defenses. The memo directs agencies to align their budget requests with the National Cyber Strategy and Implementation Plan, emphasizing the adoption of mature zero-trust architectures and minimum cybersecurity requirements for critical infrastructure sectors.Furthermore, the U.S. Department of Labor has introduced new overtime rules impacting small businesses with salaried employees, requiring compliance with updated pay thresholds by 2025. The episode also touches on the temporary halt of net neutrality rules reinstatement by a federal appeals court, influenced by recent legal developments that may weaken the FCC's position.Lastly, the episode delves into the market performance of Apple's Vision Pro headset, predicting a significant drop in sales and the suspension of work on a high-end model in favor of a more affordable release by 2025. Despite challenges in product sales, the Apple Vision Pro is recognized for its accessibility features benefiting users with disabilities.  Three things to know today 00:00 Only 17% of Businesses Making Enterprise-Wide AI Plans, Tata Reports03:00 Small Businesses Must Comply with New Overtime Pay Thresholds by 202506:27 Apple Vision Pro Sales Flop: Future Hinges on Affordable Model Release by 2025  Supported by:   All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Remote Work, Equity Grants, Four-Day Workweek, Cybersecurity Threats, AI Advances
Remote Work, Equity Grants, Four-Day Workweek, Cybersecurity Threats, AI Advances
New data is revealed showing the increasing prevalence of remote work among Americans, with companies embracing flexibility and hybrid work models. Unique equity grants with varying vesting schedules are becoming more common in the tech industry, offering companies a way to attract talent and save money. Additionally, a trial of a four-day workweek at a UK council showed promising results, including reduced staff turnover and improved worker mental health.The episode also delved into recent cybersecurity incidents, such as a breach of AT&T call logs and cyber attacks on CDK Global and threats to the Paris Olympics. Despite these challenges, a survey revealed that managed services providers remain confident in their cybersecurity capabilities, with a focus on combating ransomware and malware. The importance of securing third-party integrations, enhancing cloud security, and preparing for high-profile event security was emphasized in light of these incidents.Furthermore, advancements in AI were discussed, including the use of machine learning to predict disease risk and analyze medical data. Microsoft's Copilot AI and OneNote can now read and analyze handwritten notes, while the AI speech generator Vol-E2 can accurately reproduce human speech. These AI developments have significant implications for early intervention and prevention in healthcare, showcasing the potential of leveraging technology to improve patient outcomes.The episode concluded by highlighting the importance of readiness and incident response planning in the face of cybersecurity threats. It emphasized the need for closer collaboration between the cybersecurity industry and managed services providers to protect small businesses effectively. The episode also encouraged audience engagement through questions and comments, inviting listeners to participate in the discussion on tech trends and developments. Four things to know today00:00 Remote Work Stability, Equity Flexibility, and Four-Day Workweek Benefits04:01 AT&T Call Logs Breach, CDK Global Attack, and Paris Olympics Threats05:36 Survey Highlights MSPs' High Cyber Confidence and Focus on Ransomware and Malware06:44 AI Advances: Disease Prediction, Handwritten Note Analysis, and Speech Generation  Supported by:     All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Navigating Market Shifts: Inflation, AI Skepticism, Hardware Longevity
Navigating Market Shifts: Inflation, AI Skepticism, Hardware Longevity
Consumers are pushing back against price hikes, leading companies like PepsiCo and Delta Airlines to consider value adjustments due to cooling inflation. Small businesses, particularly those with one to four employees, are facing revenue declines and profitability challenges, with the impending retirement of baby boomer owners expected to reshape the market in the coming years.Secondly, Sobel delves into the skepticism surrounding generative AI, as highlighted in a research paper by Goldman Sachs. The paper questions the economic viability and transformative potential of generative AI, raising doubts about its ability to solve complex problems. Despite optimism surrounding AI, concerns about cost, reliability, and real-world applications persist, impacting investment decisions and stock market gains.Furthermore, the episode emphasizes the importance of long-term planning and skill development in the tech industry. Data shows a trend of Mac owners holding onto their devices for longer, reflecting a shift towards sustainable hardware usage. Additionally, European tech companies are facing skill shortages in areas like artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, underscoring the need for upskilling and reskilling to ensure long-term success in AI strategies.Lastly, Sobel advises IT service providers to focus on sustainable investments, client education, and the development of reliable and cost-effective AI solutions. Embracing hardware longevity, emphasizing high-margin services, and supplementing clients with necessary skills are key strategies for navigating industry shifts and ensuring long-term success. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to engage with the content, ask questions, and participate in the live show to stay informed about the evolving business of tech landscape. Three things to know today 00:00 Inflation Cooling, Small Business Struggles, and Baby Boomer Retirements Reshape Market04:07 Goldman Sachs, Enterprise Skepticism, and AI Hype: What’s Next for Generative AI?06:54 Embrace Hardware Longevity: Focus on High-Margin Services and Skill Supplementation  Supported by:    All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Data Security, AI Governance, and Data Management in SaaS and AI Applications with Yasir Ali
Data Security, AI Governance, and Data Management in SaaS and AI Applications with Yasir Ali
One of the big topics discussed on The Business of Tech is data management and its relationship to data security, particularly in the context of AI technology. The guest, Yasir Ali, founder and CEO of Polymer, shares his journey from Wall Street to founding a platform focused on data loss prevention for SaaS and AI applications. He highlights the complexity and importance of data migrations, emphasizing the need for efficient tools like Movebot to streamline the process. Ali delves into the evolving landscape of data security, focusing on the shift towards tracking data in cloud SaaS applications and addressing potential data leakage. He emphasizes the need for organizations to adapt their security measures to protect valuable information residing within various business workflows and applications. The discussion highlights the challenges posed by the changing nature of data storage and sharing in modern cloud environments. The conversation then shifts to the role of AI in data governance and security, with Ali underscoring the significant impact of AI on data management practices. He explains how AI technology can enhance data classification, monitoring, and governance, particularly in the context of unstructured datasets and diverse data sources. The discussion underscores the critical importance of AI governance in safeguarding sensitive information and mitigating risks associated with AI adoption. Ali concludes by emphasizing the need for organizations to understand and classify their data assets effectively to leverage AI technologies successfully. He highlights the role of managed service providers in assisting organizations with data scans, risk assessments, and data classification to enhance security and enable AI-driven solutions. The episode provides valuable insights into the intersection of data security, AI governance, and the evolving data management landscape.   Supported by:   All our Sponsors:  All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Future of IT Services Report, Compliance Scorecard Alliances, Consultants becoming MSPs
Future of IT Services Report, Compliance Scorecard Alliances, Consultants becoming MSPs
The Kaseya Future of IT survey revealed a strong emphasis on AI and cybersecurity investments among IT service providers, with China leading in generative AI adoption. The report also emphasized the importance of automation and holistic solutions in IT management, indicating a shift towards integrated approaches.Compliance Scorecard launched a strategic alliance program aimed at enhancing cybersecurity offerings for managed services providers, providing integrated tools and services to meet compliance standards. The program, featuring notable names in the channel, aims to create additional service offerings and recurring revenue streams for providers. This initiative reflects a standard engagement plan in the industry, highlighting the importance of such programs for service providers to stay competitive and meet client needs.The episode also discussed the evolving role of consultants into managed services providers, offering end-to-end management of core business functions to address operational challenges. The managed services market is predicted to grow significantly by 2028, driven by the need to leverage AI, address cybersecurity threats, and navigate technological changes. The rise of managed services is expected to lead to flexible engagement approaches with consultants and strategic partners.Furthermore, the episode touched on the transformation of marketing communications in the Echoverse, emphasizing omnidirectional communication and the need for marketers to shift towards guiding messaging. The discussion also highlighted the rise of shadow SaaS and AI usage in organizations, posing security risks that need to be addressed. Additionally, the episode addressed the increasing prevalence of meetings in white-collar work and the potential role of AI tools in streamlining unnecessary meetings to enhance productivity. Three things to know today00:00 AI and Cybersecurity Dominate IT Investment Plans, Kaseya Survey Finds03:01 Compliance Scorecard Launches Strategic Alliance Program04:10 Consultants Evolve into Managed Services Providers Amid Rising Demand for Operational Solutions Supported by:   All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
OpenAI, Cybersecurity Risks, Regulatory Challenges, and New Ransomware Tactics
OpenAI, Cybersecurity Risks, Regulatory Challenges, and New Ransomware Tactics
Microsoft and Apple will not have advisory roles on OpenAI's board of directors, despite their investments, as regulatory scrutiny on big tech companies increases. OpenAI faced a security breach in its internal messaging systems, raising concerns about the potential theft of AI technology by foreign adversaries. The company also addressed a security issue in its ChatGPT Mac OS app, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity in AI development.A federal judge has delayed the implementation of the FTC's ban on non-compete agreements, siding with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a tax firm. This decision could impact future regulatory actions and business practices. Additionally, the U.S. Supreme Court's overturning of the Chevron Deference Doctrine challenges the Biden administration's cybersecurity regulations on critical infrastructure organizations. The episode also touches on the ongoing debate over net neutrality rules and the Republican National Committee's promise to repeal President Biden's executive order on artificial intelligence.The episode delves into the cybersecurity challenges faced by MSPs, with a high percentage experiencing cyberattacks and unplanned expenses. A new ransomware group called Volcano Demon has emerged, utilizing phone calls for payment negotiations and intimidation. The discussion also includes vulnerabilities in Apple devices and the importance of companies like Enable signing the Secure by Design Pledge to enhance security in products and services. Google's Advanced Protection Program and its impact on high-risk users are also highlighted as a new security measure in the tech industry.Four things to know today00:00 No Advisory Roles for Microsoft and Apple on OpenAI's Board Despite Investments  03:38 Federal Judge Delays FTC's Noncompete Ban Implementation Amid Legal Challenge07:54 MSPs Face Heightened Cyberattack Risks: 76% Targeted, Unplanned Expenses Rise10:21 Volcano Demon Ransomware Utilizes Phone Calls for Payment Negotiations and Intimidation   Supported by:   All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Market Trends: Small Caps, Job Market Dynamics, AI PCs, and Security Spending
Market Trends: Small Caps, Job Market Dynamics, AI PCs, and Security Spending
A market review delves into the performance of U.S. small caps in comparison to other major stock markets, highlighting the underperformance of small caps and the global recovery post-2020 crash. The discussion also touches on the recent job market data, showcasing signs of life with an unexpected increase in job postings and hiring in May, indicating a gradual and uneven recovery.The episode further explores the shifts in the tech industry, focusing on the addition of net new jobs in June but also noting a loss of tech occupations in the economy. The rise in office vacancy rates is highlighted, attributed to permanent changes in work patterns due to the pandemic. Dave emphasizes the importance for IT service companies to reevaluate their talent retention strategies amidst the changing employment landscape, with a particular focus on providing competitive benefits and fostering a positive workplace culture.Dave delves into the projections for the PC market growth and the impact of AI PCs, noting the slow adoption of AI capabilities in PCs and the dominance of cloud-hosted capabilities. The discussion also touches on the significant increase in cybersecurity spending expected by 2029, driven by the rising number and sophistication of cyberattacks. The episode underscores the opportunities for IT service providers to tailor security solutions for small businesses and emphasizes the importance of matching solutions to specific customer needs and budgets.The episode concludes by highlighting the growing interest of small businesses in leveraging AI tools for sales and marketing, with a focus on the optimistic outlook for AI's role in supporting professional activities. Dave also addresses the surge in funding for AI startups in the U.S. and the concerns surrounding the industry's financial sustainability. The episode ends with a call to develop comprehensive AI integration services for small businesses and to move at an appropriate pace in adopting AI technologies to ensure sustained innovation and value creation. Three things to know today 00:00 Market Overview: U.S. Small Caps, Job Market Dynamics, and Tech Industry Shifts05:12 IDC Forecasts 2.6% Growth in PC Market for 2024, AI PCs to See Limited Impact07:40 Small Business Confidence Soars: Investment and AI Integration Plans Rise  Supported by:     All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Service Leadership Profitability Report: Trends & Business Models with Peter Kujawa
Service Leadership Profitability Report: Trends & Business Models with Peter Kujawa
this episode, Peter Kujawa joins Dave Sobel to discuss the recently released Service Leadership Profitability Report. The conversation delves into various aspects of profitability, comparing different business models, and highlighting trends within the industry. The report provides valuable insights for MSPs and IT service providers, especially as they gear up for year-end planning.One key finding discussed in the episode is the correlation between customer satisfaction and financial performance. The data reveals that the highest profitability customers also tend to have the happiest customers, emphasizing the importance of quality service delivery and pricing strategies. The discussion goes deeper into analyzing the relationship between Net Promoter Scores and service gross margins, shedding light on the nuances of customer satisfaction and profitability.Another interesting topic explored in the episode is the comparison between private equity-backed MSPs and non-private equity-backed peers. The data suggests that private equity-backed MSPs generally exhibit higher Net Promoter Scores, indicating a positive impact on performance. Additionally, the episode touches on the financial performances across different geographic regions, highlighting operational maturity levels and profitability variations.The episode also delves into the emergence of new providers in the industry and the evolving business models within the MSP space. Insights are shared on the importance of maintaining a healthy mix of services, including managed services, project services, and transactional IT, to drive overall business success. The discussion emphasizes the need for providers to understand the opportunities presented by Best in Class performance and the implementation of hyper-automation for transformative results.  All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Navigating the Intersection of Open Source, AI, and Cybersecurity in Business with Paula Paul
Navigating the Intersection of Open Source, AI, and Cybersecurity in Business with Paula Paul
In this podcast episode, host Dave Sobel interviews Paula Paul, the founder and distinguished engineer at Grayshore, about the importance of open source in businesses. Paula emphasizes that open source is already deeply integrated into most commercial applications, with a vast majority of software relying on open-source libraries. She highlights the need for businesses to effectively manage and secure their open-source dependencies, especially in light of recent instances where open-source has been used as an attack vector for social engineering. Paula discusses the challenges faced by organizations in managing dependencies on open-source packages, which have significantly increased in complexity over the years. She advises businesses to become more aware of the open-source packages they rely on and to prioritize securing customer-facing assets. Paula also recommends getting involved with organizations like the OpenJS Foundation and leveraging services from companies like Tidelift and HeroDevs to support and secure open-source dependencies. The conversation delves into the risks and benefits of using open-source software, highlighting the potential for social engineering attacks and licensing issues. Paula argues that the open-source model offers more agility and community support compared to closed-source solutions but also stresses the importance of contributing back to the open-source ecosystem. She encourages businesses to support the preservation of open source as a valuable natural resource and to align their missions with the values of the open-source community. As the discussion turns to the intersection of AI and open source, Paula sees opportunities for leveraging AI tools to enhance open-source projects, particularly in areas like code analysis and testing. She suggests that service organizations looking to engage with open source should explore projects within foundations like the OpenJS Foundation, Finos, and CNCF. Paula emphasizes the importance of human expertise in cybersecurity and the need for continuous monitoring and rapid response in today's threat landscape. Supported by:  All our Sponsors:  All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Feed Drop:   Dave Sobel on Dark Rhino Security Confidential
Feed Drop: Dave Sobel on Dark Rhino Security Confidential
A special episode of Dark Rhino's Security Confidential featured Dave Sobel, a well-known figure in the virtualization world and host of the Business of Tech podcast. In the freewheeling conversation, Dave shared insights on the status of security, the balance between interesting and boring aspects of the industry, and his thoughts on the willingness to pay for security. His daily podcast focuses on providing IT services companies with insights and analysis to help them navigate the ever-changing technology landscape.Dave's background in computer science and entrepreneurship provided a unique perspective on the importance of understanding the "why" behind considering a shift to entrepreneurship. He emphasized the need to assess risk tolerance, family dependencies, and the value proposition before making the leap. By delving into the complexities of entrepreneurship, Dave highlighted the significance of finding a niche, delivering high value, and understanding the market dynamics to succeed in the business world.The conversation also touched on the evolving trends in the tech industry, particularly the rise of AI and the ethical considerations surrounding its implementation. Dave emphasized the need for service providers to guide customers on the ethical use of AI and navigate issues like data privacy, bias, and copyright management. Additionally, the discussion explored the intersection of cybersecurity, user behavior, and the need for regulatory frameworks to address the challenges faced by businesses and individuals in the digital landscape.As the conversation delved into the realm of offensive cybersecurity and the potential implications of hackback strategies, Dave underscored the importance of a feedback loop between private businesses and government entities to define rules of engagement. Dave highlighted the need for continuous adaptation and innovation in the ever-evolving tech landscape by advocating for open conversations and a collaborative approach to cybersecurity challenges. Overall, the episode provided valuable insights into the intersection of technology, business, and security, offering a thought-provoking perspective on navigating the complexities of the digital world.  All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Antivirus Trends, MSP Programs, AI Strategy, Vendor Neutrality, and Generative AI Interfaces
Antivirus Trends, MSP Programs, AI Strategy, Vendor Neutrality, and Generative AI Interfaces
Nearly half of Americans still use third-party antivirus software despite built-in security features in mainstream operating systems. The reasons for this choice include fear of malware, privacy concerns, and online shopping security. Additionally, there is a growing fear of losing cryptocurrency, especially among older age groups. The episode also highlights the issue of freelancers on Fiverr offering access to personal data tools, raising concerns about privacy and content moderation.The episode delves into the launch of Ninja One's global channel partner program, aimed at driving partner growth through training, support, and marketing resources. Ingram Micro's AI services in Australia and New Zealand are also discussed, focusing on enhancing AI capabilities and providing workshops and guidance to small and medium-sized businesses. The importance of leveraging vendor programs and understanding vendor neutrality in healthcare MSPs is emphasized, along with a cost-saving analysis for managing contingent workforces in-house.Dave Sobel explores the challenges and barriers organizations face when implementing AI and automation strategies, such as data quality, technical challenges, and cultural change. The episode also touches on the implications of generative AI technology, with experts raising concerns about its impact on industries, job security, creativity, and content quality. The importance of considering user needs and intended functionality when designing generative AI applications is highlighted, emphasizing the need for a tailored approach based on specific use cases.As the episode wraps up, Dave Sobel provides a preview of upcoming content, including a feed drop of his appearance on Dark Rhino Security Confidential, discussions on open source AI and cybersecurity, and an interview on the Service Leadership Profitability Report. Listeners are encouraged to share the show with colleagues and stay tuned for future episodes covering a range of tech topics. Three things to know today00:00 From Malware Fears to Privacy Concerns: Why Americans Choose Third-Party Antivirus03:38 NinjaOne's Partner Growth and Ingram Micro's AI Services04:46 Understanding Vendor Neutrality in Healthcare MSPs: A Cost-Saving Analysis  Supported by:   All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn:
Cybersecurity, Tech Regulation, AI Training, Apple AirPods with Cameras
Cybersecurity, Tech Regulation, AI Training, Apple AirPods with Cameras
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has indicated there will be no ban on ransomware payments. Director Jen Easterly emphasized the importance of reporting cyber incidents and promoting secure design practices to combat cyber threats effectively.The episode also delves into a breach experienced by TeamViewer, attributed to Russian state-affiliated threat actors. Despite the breach being contained within TeamViewer's corporate systems, the incident underscores the ongoing cybersecurity challenges faced by organizations. Additionally, a survey by Sophos reveals that while many companies have strengthened their cyber defenses to qualify for insurance coverage, there remains uncertainty among respondents regarding the extent of coverage, particularly concerning ransom payments and income loss.The podcast highlights the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn the Chevron Deference Doctrine, impacting regulatory oversight and agency power. This ruling is seen as a victory for opponents of big government and will shift more responsibility onto Congress to address policy issues through new laws. Furthermore, a new Senate bill aims to assist small businesses in leveraging AI by providing training resources, signaling a potential avenue for businesses to explore the benefits of artificial intelligence technology.In the tech realm, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicts that Apple will commence mass production of AirPods with camera modules by 2026. These AirPods are expected to integrate infrared camera technology for enhanced spatial audio and potential in-air gesture control. Apple's expansion of its repair tool and commitment to device longevity through software support are also highlighted, reflecting the company's focus on customer service and product sustainability in the evolving tech landscape.  Three things to know today00:00 CISA's Jen Easterly: No Ban on Ransomware Payments, Focus on Reporting and Design Security03:29 Supreme Court’s Chevron Decision: Long-Term Impacts on Regulatory Landscape05:01 Apple to Begin Mass Production of AirPods with Cameras by 2026?  Supported by:   All our Sponsors: Do you want the show on your podcast app or the written versions of the stories? Subscribe to the Business of Tech: for a link from the stories? The entire script of the show, with links to articles, are posted in each story on Support the show on Patreon: Want our stuff? Cool Merch? Wear “Why Do We Care?” - Visit Follow us on:LinkedIn: