I Have A Testimony #36 with Pastor Moses Mendoza

iHAT Podcast

13-01-2023 • 1時間

I Have A Testimony #36 Praise the Lord! Greetings to all and a Happy New year! My prayer is that you find yourselves blessed in 2023 and in good health! So here it is the first podcast for 2023! iHAT Podcast presents session #36 of I Have A Testimony with Pastor Moses Mendoza of Apostolic Tabernacle Church in Stockton, CA. Listen as Pastor Mendoza shares of how although he knew about the things of God, it was not until he was at his lowest point where he had his own encounter with God that helped him make his conversion. Listen and Be Blessed and that the name of the Lord be Glorified! Search for Pastor Moses Mendoza and the Apostolic Tabernacle Church on their webpage www.atcstockton.org where there you can find information about their church and links to the churches social media and where you can stream their services. Also check out our podcast website www.ihatpodcast.org where you can find links to the podcasts social media and where you can stream to watch and listen to iHAT Podcast If you are blessed by this iHAT Podcast ministry, please shares, like, subscribe and comment to let others know. God Bless!


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