How Do I Forgive Myself?

Perry and Shawna

27-09-2024 • 28分

More than anything Shawna wanted to be a great mom. That’s why she’s struggled with forgiving herself in her failings as a mother more than anything else. How do we forgive ourselves?

Diya was as wicked as they come and her wickedness made her extremely wealthy. Then she has a vision of herself in hell and it crushed her. It’s a conversation about how following Jesus is not a ticket to heaven but about life transformation.

Maybe you’ve grown up ending prayer with the words, “In Jesus name we pray. Amen.” What does it mean to pray “in Jesus’ name”?

Perry shares about a moment when he spoke to his bride in anger and wounded her heart. His sin made him sad. It’s a conversation about how the sadness God lets us feel for our sin is used by him to free us from committing the same sins over and over.

Forgiving someone who’s wronged us is shifting from “because of what you did, you owe me” to “even though you did what you did, you owe me nothing.” When God forgives us he goes so far beyond that. He forgives, cleanses, reconciles, and empowers us to forgive others!

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