Serve then sell

Suzy Goodwin

From Run Lift Mom podcast host & affiliate marketer Suzy Goodwin, Serve then Sell is a training space for Aloette A Team. Can you benefit if you aren't in our brand or on our team? YES. Hence, serve then sell. Support this podcast: read less


78: How Can I Use Spotify Greenroom as a Podcast Host, Marketer, or Direct Seller?
78: How Can I Use Spotify Greenroom as a Podcast Host, Marketer, or Direct Seller?
Spotify has a new social audio app called “Greenroom”.  The big difference between Greenroom and Clubhouse is that you can SAVE THE RECORDING of a room’s conversation.  This episode- about marketing your podcast- is an example of what that REPURPOSED audio sounds like!  I don't even care if you listen to the actual message- just get a feel for the audio quality!  If you do want to reference the content, here are the show notes:  PROCESS:  1. I used Greenroom to discuss live.   2. They emailed the link to the audio file afterward.   3. I put it through some basic audio editing (sound levelers, background noises dampened) that require a skill level of about 2 (out of 10!).  What does this have to do with YOU?  APPLICATION: Using this technology, the direct seller could: • live training session + replay • live onboarding session (+ replay) • team meeting • opportunity event • workshop style party  With the provided audio, you can repurpose and add a visual component (transcript, bullet points, whatever) later if you’re a video person or want to use the audio track on traditional FB/YouTube/IG. What are your ideas for direct sellers? Let's brainstorm! Email & get "happy mail"!  OTHER LINKS:  Get Greenroom:  Learn more about Greenroom:  Join our community of female entrepreneurs and content creators:   Team --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
75: Templates, Steps to Success, Goal Setting without Dollars
75: Templates, Steps to Success, Goal Setting without Dollars
Here's what a puzzle grid looks like:  1: Templates currently available for A Team:  - Email: welcome campaign (general), organizing bathroom email campaign, 5K training (cobranded with Run Lift Mom)  - Facebook/Instagram parties: brand preview, launch party, summer party, birthday party, marathon party (epic style) - Puzzle Grid: multiple layouts available (Canva templates, Fathers Day sale items available in team shared folder) - CinchShare trial: How to do an Instagram party: (old article, I recommend the second way presented- in close friends) 2: Steps to Success path - Full system in private Facebook group & currently being put on our website in a place separate from social media  - Review step 1 (step in) no matter what level you are on:  - Don't be afraid to build your team or discuss onboarding practices with people outside A-Team or DTC. Franchises are using this as well- leverage the talent in our community because we are singing from the same sheet of music! 3: Goal Setting:  - have a "learn" and "earn" goal - your earn goal does NOT need to be sales dollars - Hustle culture is real and we do not tolerate dollar value pressure on this team How to be productive from your phone: Team Guide:  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast: