Whisper in the Wings Episode 752
On the latest Whisper in the Wings from Stage Whisper, we welcomed on the co-facilitator’s Jeanika Browne-Springer and Sarah Ghonaim, as well as the actor Jelo Smith, to talk about their latest work The American Dream (or, The Lies of It All). This fantastic work being presented by the HartBeat Ensemble, is a very timely piece, and we had such a great time discussing it. So be sure you tune in, turn out, and support this great production!HartBeat Ensemble PresentsThe American Dream (or, The Lies of It All)December 13th and 14th@ The Carriage House Theatre (Hartford, CT)Tickets and more information can be founds at HartBeatEnsemble.org And be sure to follow our guests to stay up to date on all their upcoming projects and productions:HartBeat Ensemble: @hartbeat.ensemble and HartBeatEnsemble.org Sarah: sarahghonaim.com, @sarah.ghonaim, and sarah.ghonaimnyc@gmail.com