What God Wants You to Know - BFL 65

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

14-10-2014 • 53分

It was all there in the early church. Miracles, martyrdom, and an understanding of what life as a Christian was all about. Christians understood that they, like Christ, were reconciling the evil done by the fallen angels. The early Christians knew that it was only a matter of time before the influence of evil would end. They gladly became martyrs to be a part of that process. Where did that knowledge go? This episode highlights ‘Then vs. Now’ in the Christian church.

Miracle Moment

– The cancer was in Jane Moser’s colon, lungs, and liver. Even her doctors tell her that there was no way that the chemotherapy would have killed the cancer so quickly. They admit, now, that they didn’t think that Jane would make it. One Dr. Nemeh healing service and the miracles began.
(Segments begins at 26 minutes)

Issam’s Insight – Dr. Nemeh gives us more clarity into the early church. They had complete understanding of what it meant to be Christian.  Also, the remarkable faith of those who have no supernatural experiences, and yet have such beautiful faith in Jesus Christ.  Plus, the day is approaching that will divide the church.  A massive controversy is at hand.
(Segments begins at 35 minutes)


深田小百合の引き寄せ Happy ティータイム
深田小百合の引き寄せ Happy ティータイム
自己実現スピリチュアルコーチ 深田 小百合
リアルスピリチュアリスト 橋本ゆみ
氣功ヒーラー 吉村竜児
禅Life フリーランス僧侶が教える心穏やかな生活
禅Life フリーランス僧侶が教える心穏やかな生活
禅インストラクター 曹洞宗僧侶 深澤亮道
曹洞宗 慶昌院
アトラクションカウンセラー 広田縁
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