#56 Chris Parker - The City Fox
The wholly remarkable author, communicator, influencer and consultant Chris Parker talking about his poetry collection The City Fox, and writing and living. Thanks to previous guest Matthew Smith, of Urbane, for the introduction - I'm beyond grateful.Chris' bio on the Urbane Publications website reads: 'Chris Parker is a specialist in Communication and Influence. His fascination with the power of words and how they can be used to create intrapersonal and interpersonal change began in 1976. It became a lifelong study that has underpinned almost four decades of work in a variety of professional roles and contexts. A Licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Chris is a highly experienced management trainer, business consultant, lecturer and writer. He has more lines on his face than most and is afraid to read them.' @Chjparker @StuDotWilliams www.theunlimitedpodcast.com