Give Me A Revelation with Chris Braden (GMAR)

Chris Braden

"Hey there, it's Chris Braden, and you're tuning in to Give Me A Revelation. This podcast? Well, it all started back in my radio days in Colorado Springs, where I hosted a sports talk show. But hey, on the weekends, I'd slip in these short faith segments—just me sharing my struggles, throwing in a Bible verse, and sharing my love of praise and worship music.

The funny thing is, people started enjoying it. Listeners were curious, even some of the athletes I interviewed wanted in on the action, suggesting we go long-form. And man, I was all for it... until life threw a curveball.

Lost my mom, walked my daughters down the aisle—life happened, you know? So, I hit pause on the podcast and took a breather, asking God for some direction. Now, I'm not a preacher, just a regular guy with a strong belief in walking the talk. Just FYI, I screw that up every day too. But I am getting there.

We all know how the quest for perfection can sometimes paralyze us into inaction. But after some deep prayer, Give Me A Revelation is back in the game. I'm kicking things off with some classics to reignite the spark, then we'll follow wherever God leads us.

So off we go, let's chat about faith, tackle life's curveballs, and maybe uncover a revelation or two along the way. Here you go, Give Me A Revelation. I hope you love it.

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