CR Ep 091: LIVE at MUFON Symposium 2023 Friend or Foe 2.0
In this on location episode of the Curious Realm we travel to https://mufonsymposium.com/ 2023 in Covington, Kentucky. In our first segment host Christopher Jordan welcomes Lee Grabarczyk, “The Mandala Medium”, and creator of https://www.soulfulmandalas.com/ a studio dedicated to creating vibrational art incorporating sacred symbols that can be used to help experiencers heal past traumas, and even raise the vibrations of their surroundings and themselves. Our second guest is https://www.instagram.com/barbraschuess/, physicist and daughter of the founder of MUFON. Wem discuss the famed Cash Landrum encounter from Texas and the physical evidence in the case, as well as the many cases of long-lasting and even lifetime physical effects suffered by experiencers of close encounters. Next, we have https://www.facebook.com/jim.lawrence.756859, UFO/UAP investigator in New Brunswick, Canada. We talk about the many sightings of UFOs and USOs in the waters of Nova Scotia as well as some of the cases Jim has investigated in the local area. Our final day one guest is Amy Jordan. We discuss what the experience of https://mufonsymposium.com/ is like for first-time attendees and the accepting environment for both experiencers and those not entrenched in UFO/UAP communities. In our second day of coverage at the 2023 https://mufonsymposium.com/ in Covington, KY we welcome https://www.amazon.com/stores/Linda-Zimmermann/author/B00JH6OYAK?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true to discuss the phenomena of animal reactions to UFOs. From bizarre behaviors, to protecting owners, and even the onset of PTSD, the effects of UFO/UAP experiences on animals can have life changing effects on animals. Next we welcome California State Director for https://mufon.com/ and member of https://mufon.com/experiencer-resource-team-ert/, Earl Grey Anderson to discuss the mission and necessity of MUFON’s ERT and what we can do to help experiencers bring their stories forward. Our next guest is https://www.amazon.com/stores/Raymond-Szymanski/author/B01BFD3OQ2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true, a four-decade U.S. Government senior scientist at Wright-Patterson Airforce Base turned paranormal researcher and author. We talk about a career spent reverse engineering enemy technologies, as well as the possibilities of what may be behind closed doors and the answers he got when he began asking questions of fellow senior scientists. Next we sit down with hypnotherapist https://hypnotherapistyvonnesmith.com/. For those who have contact with the paranormal and especially UFO contact face what to some amounts to an existential crisis. How have the fields of hypnotherapy and hypnotic-regression therapy helped experiencers release and accept their traumas and integrate these incredible moments into their lives moving forward? Next, we welcome https://www.terilynge.com/, member of the MUFON Board of Directors, experiencer, and author. We talk about the world of screened memories, messages of experiencers, and how the ongoing conversation of disclosure has helped bring forth more contactees to tell their stories. Our final day two guest is https://www.amazon.com/Map-Black-Jeffrey-R-Craig/dp/0578856247, Cartographer, and creator of https://www.mapinblack.com/, an amazing map of the United States and individual regions marked with paranormal hotspots, ancient ruins, and mysterious places. We talk about how a life-long love of maps lead to a career of map making and to the ultimate marriage of cartography and the paranormal! In our final day of live coverage at the 2023 MUFON Symposium in Convington, Kentucky we welcome author and researcher https://irenascott.com/. We discuss her involvement with the famed Pascagoula, Mississippi alien abduction case, and the recent tell all story of Calvin Parker, as well as her many experiences with UFOs in her own life. Next we welcome Brazilian UFOlogist https://www.amazon.com/CONTACTS-BRAZIL-Thiago-Luiz-Ticchetti/dp/1796291986/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1693316256&refinements=p_27%3AThiago+Luiz+Ticchetti&s=books&sr=1-1. We talk about the long and storied history of UFO sighting in Brazil. We also discuss the recent report of aliens called https://www.jpost.com/omg/article-756571 and the regularity of sightings among rural communities across South America. Our next guest is the amazing https://planetsev.com/, https://mufon.com/experiencer-resource-team-ert/ member. We talk about what it is to be a contactee, the many ways your life changes as well as the changes that lead to spiritual enlightenment and higher levels of consciousness. Next we welcome https://www.mindytautfest.com/, Oklahoma State Director for MUFON, near death and UFO experiencer. We discuss how her experiences changed her life and lead her to becoming involved with MUFON field investigation and eventually heading up https://mufon.com/become-a-mufon-field-investigator/, an online resource to help train field investigators across the world! Wrapping our coverage we welcome Dr https://idflyobj.com/. We discuss the use of the term “Non-Human Intelligence” and how we may be fully misunderstanding many of the UFOs/UAPs that are anomalous. What if they ARE humans from another timeline who have come back to either fix the Earth or to warn humanity away from disaster? The likehood of this possibility is far greater than we think, and a true possibility! We are then joined by https://yesbutwhypodcast.com/ to wrap our coverage of the event talk about the overall experience of the 2023 MUFON Symposium, the speakers, panels, and the community culture itself. Join the Curious Realm as we travel to the 2023 MUFON Symposium in Cincinnati, Ohio to discuss the topic of UAPs friend or foe with researchers, presenters, and authors from the conference. Curious Realm is a proud member of the HC Universal Network family of podcasts. For more great shows and content subscribe at http://HCUniversalNetwork.com. Curious Realm would like to thank the continuing support of our listeners and sponsors including http://HCUniversalNetwork.com. Use Code http://hcuniversalnetwork.com./ to save 20% off today! Curious Realm has teamed up with True Hemp Science, Austin, TX based suppliers of high-quality full spectrum emulsified CBD products and more. 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