Grindstone Adventures
Zach Fuhrer
This is a podcast that will cover many different things, from hunting, fishing, hiking, shooting, reloading, anything outdoors related. It is where me and my buddies will sit and shoot the shit about what we do for fun.
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Episode 32 Alimoroutdoors
Welcome back everybody! This episode throwing us back into the mix of the podcast world is with Alicia. She is an avid hunter from Pennslyvania. We started the convo off with her roots into hunting and then touched on different topics along the way between different hunts and the difficulties of being a hunter as a woman. Overall a fun podcast to do, hope you enjoy!
Episode 32 Alimoroutdoors
Welcome back everybody! This episode throwing us back into the mix of the podcast world is with Alicia. She is an avid hunter from Pennslyvania. We started the convo off with her roots into hunting and then touched on different topics along the way between different hunts and the difficulties of being a hunter as a woman. Overall a fun podcast to do, hope you enjoy!
Episode 31 Season ending summary (solo)
This is a brief update and summary of the end of the '22 Deer season. I also give details of whats to be expected from Grindstone Adventures. Stay tuned and thanks for the support everyone!
Episode 30 Part 2
This episode is a continuation of the last one, Chris from The Red Outdoors hops on the phone and shoots the shit with me and Steven for awhile.
Episode 30 Part 1
In these next 3 episodes they will all be from the same conversation, as teammate Steven returns as well as the owner of The Red Outdoors from Michigan, Chris Burghardt. This episode was our attempt to catch up and kinda have a virtual deer camp. Specifically this episode is just me and Steven before we get Chris on the line.
Episode 29 Zach Blake is back
Teammate Zach Blake joins me and we sorta do a hunt break down of his buck he killed last year and talk about the unfortunate find he had this week during gun season.
Episode 28 Joe Newell Montana Update
Joe hops back on and we catch up and talk about his most recent move to Montana and just bs about the outdoors as usual. This one is a very laid back episode if you just want to hear things that you might agree with in the outdoor world this it the one for you!
Episode 27 Mid Season Update with Steven
Steven hops back on and we discuss how the season has been going for each of us and he talks about the doe he shot this season. We also break down what we look for when placing stands or other set ups. (Recorded in a truck so bear with the sound quality)
Episode 26 Chris Burghardt
Owner of The Red Outdoors, Chris Burghardt joins me on the show where we share our love for the outdoors and our different perspectives on the hunting community. We break down the difficulties of bow hunting and filming the shots and different hunts we've been on in the past.
Episode 25 Doug Schmidt
Working Class Bowhunter Podcast member Doug Schmidt jumps on the show! In the process of knocking back a few cold ones, Doug and I BS about the outdoors and different hunting memories and a little of his recent trip to Africa. One of my favorites to date, hope you all like it.
Episode 24 Brayden Davis
Brayden is cofounder of 605 outdoors in South Dakota. Him and his buddy like to get after the deer, respectfully mule deer and whitetail. He talks about how they created 605 outdoors and what they are planning to do with it moving forward. Brayden is also a field staff member of Cervicide.
Episode 23 Chris Wheeler
Chris and me are field staff members of Cervicide a outdoors group that is an amazing place to meet like minded hunters and fishermen. Chris comes on and tells us about his journey hunting from being little to now chasing big deer.
Episode 22 Zach Blake
Team member Zach Blake comes on for an in person BS session. We talk about some big deer and what we've learned over the years that we have hunted and then dive into other hunting memories.
Episode 21 Steven Returns
Good buddy Steven comes back on and we sit down and shoot the shit about last details of preseason prep and what our initial season goals are. I also try to convince Steven to get into 3D archery shooting.
Episode 20
This episode is all me, and what my season is going to look like this year. I apologize for the neglect of the podcast the last few weeks have been busy and frustrating.
Episode 19 Brennen Nading
Brennen takes some time out of his busy schedule to sit and talk turkeys with me. Brennen is a Co-owner of The Breaking Point TV, and is very good at knocking turkeys down every spring. It was a informational episode to help beginners like me get better at hunting the thunderchickens.
Episode 18 Darius Hayes-Carruth Sr.
College buddy Darius comes on and we sit and talk for a bit about college memories and what we've been up to recently. At the end we get into the AFC North and talk some football.
Episode 17 Talking Turkeys with Elijah Sims
Buddy Elijah comes back on the show to recap his spring season and we talk about the amazing experience it is to turkey hunt.
Episode 16 2022 Turkey Season Recap
I break down my 2022 spring turkey season from the highs and the lows between traveling home from West Virginia to hunt Ohio and then traveling to Michigan to hunt the end of the season up there.
Episode 15 Hazen Powell
A buddy from the Ulster days in college who studied environmental science with a minor in biology. He comes on and explains what he plans to do and in doing so I learn some things about trout. The meat of the show is our love for the outdoors and how we could talk about it for hours.
Episode 14 Ulster Boys
A couple of the current actives and an alum from my fraternity come on the show and we shoot the shit talk about hunting memories, talk shit to each other and just catch up.