Kō Sam Tullman - Disease and Dis-Ease on the Spiritual Path

SDI Encounters

25-09-2024 • 14分

SDI has launched registration for a new webinar for all spiritual directors and companions, it’s called Disease and Dis-Ease on the Spiritual Path, a series on being a wise companion to yourself and others when the fragility of human life is most evident: in times of illness.

Our guide for this series is Kō Sam Tullman, founder of DiabetesSangha and Head of Behavioral Science at Quilt Technologies. With deep roots in Rinzai Zen Buddhism and a broad background in religious traditions, neuroscience, and modern Western psychology, Sam brings a unique perspective to this journey. His work blends brain, behavior, and technology to empower people to make healthy, life-affirming choices. Sam’s expertise in understanding the body’s physiological and psychological states will offer profound insights into how we can transform dis-ease into a path of healing and self-discovery.

In this episode Kō Sam shares a bit on what to expect during this webinar series.

Each session of this series will offer grounding practices, insightful discussions, and contemplative exercises, helping you deepen your understanding of the body-mind-spirit connection. We will cover the spiritual and neurobiological process of tending to those things which ail us, that they may teach us. Whether for personal growth or supporting others, this series provides valuable tools to navigate the spiritual journey through dis-ease. Transform challenges into opportunities for learning and compassion.

Learn more and register here - all are welcome: https://www.sdicompanions.org/product/dis-ease-on-the-spiritual-path/


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